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I'm infected with the Corona virus. Long story short: Although I am vaccinated 3 times I feel pretty sick and I have difficulties concentrating. My body also demands sugar like a drug addict.
I hope, that after a few days the worst will be over.

Please take care and prepare a small supply with food, pills and drinks at home.
Just in case, to be prepared.

Best wishes




Best wishes for a fast recovery.


I wish you to get better soon, take care. :3


Sleep well during that rough time, your body will probably beg for it until you manage to recover. And hopefully, you'll recover fast ^^


Oh no! I wish you a good and fast recovery. Stay safe and play lot's of games you like. 😺

greeneyedwolfking (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-13 16:16:25 Thank you Kiart! <3 I think I slept several times sitting in front of my PC. ^^; I don't remember xD But I am feeling better already. The worst seems to be over. ^^
2022-09-06 17:10:08 Thank you Kiart! <3 I think I slept several times sitting in front of my PC. ^^; I don't remember xD But I am feeling better already. The worst seems to be over. ^^

Thank you Kiart! <3 I think I slept several times sitting in front of my PC. ^^; I don't remember xD But I am feeling better already. The worst seems to be over. ^^

greeneyedwolfking (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-13 16:16:25 Thank you F0-Star! &lt;3 I tried to play games, but I just stared at the screen feeling overwhelmed by everything. xD But the worst part is over. ^^
2022-09-06 17:15:33 Thank you F0-Star! <3 I tried to play games, but I just stared at the screen feeling overwhelmed by everything. xD But the worst part is over. ^^

Thank you F0-Star! <3 I tried to play games, but I just stared at the screen feeling overwhelmed by everything. xD But the worst part is over. ^^


Heh, that's always like that. If I'm not sleeping for 10+ right from the get-go, I'm not really sick X)


In general I am a night owl (someone who feels vivid at evening/night and lazy in the morning). So each time I am sick, I really struggle to go to bed early. xD


I'm the same (Night-Owl) usually, but I've learned, that when I feel tired and exhausted, it's better to give my body the rest it needs. Oh, and I've learned something when I was closer to death than to life before: when you wake up with morning-wood, you're on the best way to recover already again *lol*. Because when your body is really sick, you won't feel so "lively" to even have that still. Oh, and since I just read the comment underneath mentioning you were trying to actively engage your brain/mind into interactive games: try not to and just listen to audiobooks or watch some "feel-good"-(anime-)series you love to get your mind put at rest. Without rest, you'll unnecessarily prolong your recovery and might even have a backlash if you start to do too much too early. I've learned all that the hard way myself and sharing it so you don't have to waste precious lifetime repeating my - and many other people's - mistakes in that context. &lt;3 Enjoy the "slow pace" and "smell the roses" (even if your sense of smell might not be 100% present at this time, but you know what I mean ;-P ) in the little curious details of everyday life. The weather conditions, nature (even if you're living in a city, it's still part of nature you know), your immediate surroundings, even your breathing and body functions can be exciting to truly - "mindfully" - perceive/sense/observe for a while and let all the thoughts and expectations seep right through you without triggering any destructive judgements towards yourself, the situations you're in or anything. Not judging is somewhat hard to learn though I know...just allowing everything to be as it is and to go its own way is very liberating and calming though. I wish you to not have to face death - like moi/me - to understand that! &lt;3 You cannot control Life, as much as you've been "taught" that you can - it was a lie! All you can ever do, is take the challenges and chances/opportunities life offers you (or the chances/opportunities to create them on a different level [of complexity]) and make the best of it. Grand changes always take time though - so, if you're lucky enough to not live in a country, where being sick/ill will give you existential dread, enjoy the "time-out"! &lt;3


Well, since I am a freelancer being ill means no income and no one else can complete my tasks. So as long as I feel "okay" I work a bit, even when feeling sick. ^^; Nevertheless I truly appreciate your concerns. &lt;3 It was a very kind message! &lt;3 I am also sorry considering your close to death experience. That's terrible. I really hope you have recovered fully and that you won't get in such a dark situation again. Did you change after that experience? I mean, did you question your previous lifestyle and change it all? For me drawing works like a cure, so I kindly recommend any kind of creative exercise. Acting, singing, dancing, drawing - it is all very rewarding for the soul. I don't even try to control my life tbh. When I can pay my bills with drawing nude guys I am all fine. And, when that job/passion makes others happy it is even better :3