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Note: This journal was meant to release during my pause, that's why it is available for all tiers.

This is part 2 of 2 of my Kings Journal about anime shows I watched.
The journal covers the years 1995-2008. I'll mention shows I watched as a teengager and highschool student. I present animes for adults, too.
Nope, not hentai, just animes with topics for grown-ups.
But maybe I could write a journal about hentai, if you would be interested.
Like in part 1 of the anime journal, you will find a selection of male characters at the end of this journal, that I could draw in Bara artworks.

At the end of journal I mentioned that our farm got satelite TV. So instead of 4 TV channels I could watch... well... I never counted... more channels and the most of them aired sex hotline ads and softcore xxx movies after midnight.
I wasn't shocked, because I was sexually enlightened in my early childhood and my parents were anything but prudish.
In the late 90s Talk-shows were also super popular in TV and I remember one afternoon, when the topic was „My lover is impotent“. So I asked my mum: „Mum, what does Impotence mean?“, and she replied: „The man has erection issues or simplified he can't get it up“.
Another time the topic was „My dick is as big as a salad cucumber“. No joke.
Speaking about those afternoon talk shows it was also normal in German TV ads, that products for showering showed nude people. Some butts or some boobs.

And this is a good moment to shortly explain, what content is censored in Germany and what is not.
Gore and violence against humans is censored in Germany no matter what media, but nudity is no big deal here. No one cares (only prude folks), because nudity is considered as natural. Nudity and sex are two different things.
Censorship in Germany is pretty much the opposite of the USA, where gore and violence are kinda okay in media, but nudity is considered as inappropriate.
I remember, when years ago Janet Jackson's chest was exposed by Justin Timberlake during a concert and American news seemed to be upset, while in German TV it was no big deal.

Now, let's get back to anime, but keep the censorship in mind, because I will mention, which animes have been censored in the past in Germany.
Here we go.
The first link  under the title leads to the Japanese opening.
The second link to the German one.

Dragon Ball


I guess everyone the story of Dragon Ball. Son-Goku wants to win the great tournament, so he trains a lot, while villains try to steal the 7 Dragon Balls. Once all balls are put together a dragon appears to fulfill one wish.



I hardly watched any episode, because I am no fan of football, but the German opening is so good, that I listened to it, before switching to another channel.

Oh and there was a handsome goalkeeper in some episodes, but he as no main character.

Nadia – Secret of Blue Water


A nice adventure about Nadia and Jean. Nadia owns a magical stone and I forgot most of the story, but it was a good anime with a spaceship battle in Paris, France.
I like the opening in both languages.



Phew, I don't know why I watched this show sometimes. It is odd.
And I bet the opening was produced in America like that awful Naruto ninja rap you gonna hear later. And German TV channels paid money for the songs. xD

Ranma ½


The two main characters are promised to each other, but they do not like each other.
Oh and the main guy Ranma once fell into a magical well, so when he gets into contact with cold water he transforms into a female. That leads to many complicated and slap stick situations. I did not watch the anime completely.



Ash Ketchum wants to be the Pokemon Champion. Together with his friends Misty and Rocko (Broc in English or something like that) he travels the country to discover and catch Pokemon. I think the German version is based on the American one this time. And the American one is good.
And let's not forget the Pokerap:

I watched the seasons including the Hoenn region and that's it. So I only missed about 500 episodes. XD
But I still play the main games.



Doremi is fascinated by witches. One day she unmasks a real witch and as a consequence that witch is cursed to live as a frog.
To lift the curse Doremi becomes a witch herself and studies magic. Unfortunately she is clumsy and a bad student.
Note: Season 1 is fun, while season 2 was produced for girls and  that kinda ruined the anime a bit. Too girly imao.

Well, time to mention Wedding Peach and Pretty Cure. Both aired in German TV, but I hardly watched both. Not really my cup of tea.



Power Stone


I think I watched this show, but I forgot everything. But it seems to be based on a game.
I read „Capcom“ in the opening.

Monster Rancher


I liked Monster Rancher. It's about a boy named Genki who is sucked into a videogame about monsters. In that other world he finds friends and monsters and together they try to find the legendary phoenix to free the world from great evil Moe.

Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne


I watched Sailor Moon so I also watched Jeanne. There are only two seasons.
The story is about a girl who can transform into a magical thief. Each object she steals is possessed by a demon. And there is some romance between her and another thief.



I watched seasons 1-4, but season one „Adventure“ remains my all time favourite.
7 kids are sucked into the digital world and each one gets a Digimon partner. The Digimon become stronger and evolve into bigger monsters to fight against all kinds of villains.The show deals with topics like depression and self-doubts and how the main characters deal with it. Seasons 1-4 have pretty good openings.
My favourite Digimon from season one are Gabumon's, Agumon's and Gomamon's evolution lines. Actually all lines are cool in season 1.
My favourite character from season two is Ken and big dragon Exveemon is hot. Stingmon is also cool. And I will never forget my disappointment, when Angemon and Ankylomon fusioned into a magical teapot with angel wings. I know it is based on some Japanese puppet, but it looks stupid as a monster.
I am pretty sure, that I wrote a KJ about Digimon in the past so I won't write more now.

Sailor Moon (seasons 2-5)


Seasons 2-5 of Sailor Moon were aired on private TV in Germany. Together with Dragon Ball it was the most famous and popular anime in Germany for decades. I drew fanart of SM and DB, when I was a teenager.

I think I will write a journal about SM only.
Trivia: Season 5 „Sailor Stars“ was never aired in some countries, because there are characters who change their gender while transforming and a main character is nude for almost a complete episode. That was too much to censor or edit for some TV channels.
But as mentioned above, nudity is no problem in Germany, so I could watch Sailor Stars.
Unfortunately the japanese opening of season 5 was never used in German TV, although there is a German version of „Makenai“.

Dragon Ball Z


I was a fan of Dragon Ball Z, but during the Freezer saga I gave up on watching the anime, because the episodes had almost 0 plot and the characters just screamed at each other for 20 minutes. -_-
At last I bought some manga issues to read the story until the end.
My favourite character was future Trunks. I also had a PC beat'em up with characters from DBZ and DBGT. I played as future Trunks and I knew the key combo for playing as a super-saiyan.



It's about a boy called Yugi, who owns an Egyptian artifact, which originally belonged to a pharao. One day Yugi's grandfather is kidnapped by a guy called Pegasus, who invites the world's best card players to his island to participate in a dangerous tournament.

Detective Conan



Detective Conan was censored in Germany, because of blood and murder, but I watched it – not knowing that it was censored. Some scenes just seemed strange to me, because of the cut or edited content.
So Conan is a clever highschool student and detective. Some evil guys poison him. The poison shrinks his body to child size, while his brain remains the one of a grown up.
He hides at a real detective's office and secretly helps that guy to solve complex murder cases.

In my opinion that tanned highschool detective called Heiji looked much better than Conan,
so sometimes I do not understand why the main character is less handsome than others.



Phew that German – actually English lyrics– opening is so strange. ^^; Believe it xD

I was a fan of this anime, but it was aired, when I was already in highschool and hardly at home during daytime. Not to mention that there were not that many episodes dubbed and so they aired the same episodes over and over again. And Naruto was extremely censored in the first German version.
Nevertheless I bought a Naruto game for the Gamecube called „Clash of Ninja 2“.



Kagome is the reincarnation of a priestess who once sealed a poweful gem.
One day Kogame is pulled into a magical well by a monster who rips the gem out of Kagome's body.
Both land in medieval Japan, where Kagome frees half-demon Inuyasha from a spell to help her defeating the monster.
Later Kagome accidentally destroys the gem into hundreds of shards.
Each shard is dangerous and must be taken back, so Inuyasha and Kagome try to find them all. It's the beginning of a dangerous journey.

Inuyasha was also censored in German TV.

One Piece


Man I really liked One Piece. It was something completely new: A story about pirates with mysterious powers and lots of humour.
Young pirate Ruffy wants to find the biggest treasure called „One Piece“. He looks for crew members and together they sail the oceans.
My favourite crew members are Roronoa Zoro and Tony Tony Chopper. Franky is also cool. I watched the anime until the end of the „Thriller Barc“ arc.
After that it was too difficult to get access to more episodes. So I slowly lost connection to the anime and nowadays there are so many episodes, that I fear to return.
I mean time is short as an adult and that's pretty much the reason why I feel overwhelmed in a negative way by all those streaming services nowadays. Not to mention that all cost money.

Time for animes for an older audience aired on MTV and VIVA (actually music TV channels and VIVA does not exist anymore)

We enter my late teenage years.

Golden Boy


The German opening promises a badass guy, but the actual show is about a boob-fanatic young man who is a total moron. I could not stand watching that wannabe hentai nowadays, but I watched all 10 epsides as a teenager, hoping that never one of my siblings or my mother would enter the room. XD

Angel Sanctuary


I only remember that the story is about brother and sister who are in love with each other. Long story short: Incest. But they are also incarnations of fallen angels and the one of the other main charaters is only alive, because he shares his body and mind with satan or another demon.

Vision of Escaflowne


I really recommend watching Escaflowne. I forgot almost all details, but I remember how much enjoyed this show and the story and the characters.
A highschool girl is sucked into an alternate universe, where her bracelet can activate an ancient fighting robot. A guy called Van can control the robot.
There is drama and battles and a huge machine that is meant to influence people's fate.
Escaflowne is a real emotional experience. The noses still look a bit strange though.
Special credit for both openings, because I like them both.

Earth Girl Arjuna


In this anime the main character Arjuna dies right at the beginning, but she is offered a second chance, if she agrees to fight against strange monsters, that threaten human civilization. The anime is about saving the environment and in the final episodes the situation escalates, while people try to survive.



Well this show is about vampires and monsters, where vampire lord Alucard fights against other monsters. I guess that's it. But I liked it. There was a hot blonde priest, but he was evil, but kinda hot nevertheless. :3

Cowboy Bebop


The intro was the same in Germany. This anime is about a crew of bountyhunters in space. Although I can't remember much of the episodes I remember, that it was a pretty good anime with interesting characters.

Jet Black is the daddy type character in the anime.

Blue Submarine Number 6


It's about a wicked professor who creates new lifeforms and a human submarine crew who tries to stop him. At least that's what I roughly remember.



This show is about two killers and their mysterious background stories. That's all I remember. ^^;
The opening song is nice.

X the anime (because there is also a movie, which is more brutal)


Oh wow, the German opening is pure exposition. XD
Well, there are two kind of dragons, who are actually humans with powers.
One team is good and the other one is evil. There is romance and drama and conflicts and prepare to see that this anime has Game of Thrones habits with it's characters.
You really don't know who will survive.

Wolf's Rain


I rank this anime as one of the best I have seen. It's about wolves who can take on human form. They disguise as humans and live in human settlements, while the world around them is slowly dying. The wolf Kiba is convinced that there is a hidden paradise far away from all suffering. He only has to find the key. He finds other wolves to form a pack, but soon they are hunted and they are not the only ones who search the paradise.

At last there is a high price to pay for all of them, if they want to reach the promised land.



When people die, they are copied to a secret room. In this room is a black sphere filled weapons and strange suits.
After a while a mission appears on the sphere. Those who survive the task are allowed to live their second life little longer.
After an accident Kuro and his friend Kato are copied to the room and try to survive as long as possible, while almost each night they are send on a new mission, where monsters want to kill them.
Gantz is a very brutal anime, with violence, gore and some nudity and few SFW sex scenes. I stayed up each Sunday night until midnight to watch the newest episode.
And afterwards my adrenaline level was so high, that I could hardly fall asleep.
Then at 6 AM my alarm clock rang and I had to get ready for highschool. I was so tired every Monday.
Unfortunately the Gantz anime ends abrupt although the manga continues.

Kato was my favourite character of Gantz. That's where Kato's name in „Knights in Japan“ comes from.

Ghost in the Shell – Stand Alone Complex

Season one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QxkMzn4et2U&ab_channel=NoName

Season two: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQIqgxeNtl0&ab_channel=NoName

I love Ghost in the Shell. It combines action and intelect with a believable future setting, where we are all connected by the Internet and our brains could be hacked and filled with false memories or even worse: our personality could be edited.
To fight such cyber crimes special section 9 with Major Kusanagi and Batou was founded. They investigate msyterious cases and reveal conspiracies.

The two seasons have two of my favourite anime openings.
I also watched all three GITS movies, including the live action one.
While writing this journal I found out that there exists or existed a Ghost in the Shell game.

Ghost in the Shell is free from most anime clichés. The major has big boobs, but that's all. For compensation Batou has big muscles. Maybe he is well equipped everywhere. ;3

My short opinion about anime
I love anime. I really do, but in my opinion many animes are repetitive or they continue so long, that I can't keep up.
There are great stories and creative ideas, that inspire me until today.

After watching so many shows I am grateful, when repetitive things are avoided.
When you see the first anime with someone eating a lot, it's okay, but after 30 years of anime it becomes lame, when such ideas are served again and again.

Childish characters also annoy me and I can't watch extremely hectic, blinking animations as an adult anymore.
There is also that pervert nosebleed guy in too many shows. Or the worst of all: minor characters in questionable poses or portrayals. That might be okay in Japan, but in other countries such content brings you into jail.

So I like animes that are not made with a common recipe or meant to generate millions of fans.

I also know that I won't show something new in my comics, but I try to avoid copying anime clichés. That's why my favourite shows tend to be the more unusual ones, that tell touching stories combined with likeable characters.

Do you know some of these animes? What are your thoughts or memories?
I would love to read your opinion in the comments.

At last we reach the potential Bara artwork part.
I could draw the following characters
– or better expressed, I only list the ones I am interested in.

Agumon Bond of Courage/Bravery from Digimon.

Bandit Keith from Yu-Gi-Oh ( I drew him already).

Yuji Kayama/Sailor Guts from Sailor Moon – Sailor Stars.

Roronoa Zoro from One Piece.

Pater Anderson from Hellsing

Jet Black (regular and wearing his suit) from Cowboy Bebop.
Note: There might exist some old lineart showing him here on Patreon.

Tsume from Wolf's Rain. Probably with a werewolf version.

Kato from Gantz.

Batou (short and pony tail version) from Ghost in the Shell.

That's the end?! Not really. Since I consider my art style as a fusion between anime and western animation I will show western productions (cartoons) in the next KJ.

Thank you for reading. <3




Can I admit that I jumped on that notification because of Jet Black? Nonetheless, I'm hit by a wave of nostalgia right at the moment. Good job T3T


Thank you very much Kiart! &lt;3 Jet is hot. Do you know that super old lineart from 2017? https://www.patreon.com/posts/jet-black-cowboy-15388974 I swam over 5 hours in an ocean of nostalgia while writing this journal. Felt great tbh. ^w^


I did not. Probably that I wasn't supporting you during that period. (And I did commission an artwork of Jet Black once, solely due to how wonderful he looks) Nonetheless, I felt the same. Makes me remember the saturday midday that I spent watching those series until my family grew bored of this. Hehe


Regular Jet or wearing a suit? I was lucky, because my parents were at work during daytime and my older siblings had their own small TVs in their bedrooms. When I was in highschool I bought a TV for my bedroom. TV raised me. xD


For the commission? Or the artwork of yours? But I did commission the suit version ^^ As for myself, it was mostly the sole way to entertain myself. I was stuck every weekend with my grandmother and television was the sole source of entertainment, along with board games. (Even going outside was frowned upon) But later, I kind of lost touch with TV as I mostly spent my time on computers already... Or on reading anything that was related to fantasy xD


I meant the commission. Jet looks perfect in the suit. Good choice. ^^ That sounds a bit sad tbh. I spent a lot of time outside as a boy: wandering through forests and playing in rivers. I think we got our first computer in 1999 with Windows 98. I read gaming websites and found some Yaoi fanarts of Final Fantasy 8. xD What kind of fantasy stuff did you read? Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter...?


Note that he was mostly naked in the said commission, hah! And yeah, it was kind of sad, but living at the center of a small village with nothing to do, and an overbearing family is what it is. And for me, it was closer to 2004 with XP. But I was quite young at that age. As for the fantasy books I've read? Honestly, that was mostly anything that was at hand, like Goosebumps during that period (Yeah, still very young) Later, it became closer to Eragon. Though I have a hard time recalling the collection I've read, though I had dubbed those books as the "Angsty teenager fantasy" categories. Stories of teengaers discovering a different world, and discovering their new powers, and fighting the forces of evil and their puberty at the same time. Nothing of value to be honest. In a sense, my brain keeps trying to protect me from that period by burning those memories, hah!


Mostly naked sounds pretty good to me. :D I see. I grew up at the edge of a small village. Early Internet was quite slow and many websites were selfmade with fake game advices or fake cheats. But I loved discovering that mess. I watched the animated Goosebumps show, where a zombie read scary stories for the audience. I was really scared by some episodes. Well, I also read several novels, that where entertaining but not entertaining enough to re-read any of them. But I read Harry Potter after a friend invited me to cinema to watch the first movie. My teenage years were covered by depression and isolation. Maybe it was similar for you, so I won't judge, if you wish to burn your memories of that period.

ravewulf (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-13 16:16:25 Seeing Tsume in Wolf's Rain was one of the first times I realized I had a leather kink &lt;3
2022-09-02 18:33:15 Seeing Tsume in Wolf's Rain was one of the first times I realized I had a leather kink <3

Seeing Tsume in Wolf's Rain was one of the first times I realized I had a leather kink <3


I feel that for the bad internet. During my teenage years, I became the de facto IT guy in my family because I was the only one who knew how to plug stuff. (whoah, crazy isn't it?) And also shouldered the "well-being" of the computer because the family was spending more time downloading pictures and exe from shady sites than they should have. (but yeah, a "mmo" broke the pc) And while my teenage years were similar (Isolation, lack of fulfilling relationship irl, playing most games), I wouldn't say this is the reason why my memory is erasing those books from my memory. Rather that I solely relied on local libraries and their choices of books were questionable, at best. Does it have a colored / fancy cover with a teenager frowning? Sure as hell you'll have it in fantasy. Alongside anything that's fit for "school studies". Urgh. Honestly, I'm pretty happy now that I've put my hands on the books from sanderson and the farseer saga, heh

greeneyedwolfking (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-13 16:16:26 Tsume's outfit is pretty hot indeed. &lt;3 I had a crush on him. &lt;3
2022-09-02 20:08:02 Tsume's outfit is pretty hot indeed. <3 I had a crush on him. <3

Tsume's outfit is pretty hot indeed. <3 I had a crush on him. <3


Funny enough I picked Wolf's Rain on Blu-Ray last month. It was on sale and once I read the back the story seem like, it was going to be a good one. Not started to watch it yet since I like to bing a bit and not gotten some time off to do so. Again I seen half of the list or bought the manga or the DVD/Blu-ray to watch them, did watch a few on Netflix when they were decent and had a good selection.


That's a lucky coincidence. I understand the binge watching idea. When something is really good I do not want to pause or wait weeks to continue. I would be interested in your opinion about Wolf's Rain once you watched it. Are there any animes you remember better or more fondly than others?


Our family PC was hardly better, but each time it was broken or slow it was my fault, because of my games. Always blaming the youngest family member. -_- I hid my personal data on floppy disks, because there was 0 privacy, when sharing a PC. I remember that I loved playing "Black and White", but the PC could hardly handle the opening cutscene. So freezes and low framerates were normal. I dreamed of finding a nice boyfriend in highschool, but it did not happen. In general I spent most time at home, either reading or playing games, trying my best to be invisible. I am not even sure, if the local town had a library, but I bet the collection would have been similar to the one you could choose from. I checked the Farseer saga on Google and found this: https://bilder.buecher.de/produkte/42/42907/42907797z.jpg An assassin book. And "The Way of Kings" by Brandon Sanderson. I really should read a good novel again.


Haha, I was lucky enough that none of my family knew how to use a computer. And these days, I could have a folder "Work" in plain sight, filled with porn, that they would not notice any of it. For the few games I do remember, it was mostly the pinball from windows... Then Wakfu, the Mmo. (I was beta testing it, lucky me... And unlucky computer) I did not think about searching for a boyfriend in high school, before and after. During that time, I was openly gay and did not hide that fact... Though, the truth is that I've always had bad interpersonal experiences. Even at that time, I was more interested in writing stories of my characters having a sweet romantic life (amidst the chaos of their existence) rather than searching for a boyfriend... ... ... And I was already into DILFs, XD You should read the Assassin's apprentice is a nice book, and the character is relatable in his way. Add to that the story does not give the character a plot armor, along with a well-paced tale, and you have something sensible. From Brandon Sanderson, I'd advise going with Mistborn first. The way of Kings is one of his most recent works in the cosmere, and I consider Mistborn to be a better introduction as we directly get some fantasy, whereas the Way of Kings is more like a slow-burn story. Nonetheless, it's pretty good and you can read knowing the story will captivate ya. (Well, it did to me)


Well Monster Rancher cause I had the PS1 games and really enjoyed that and then when they made it into a show I also watched that. But I was raised on He-Man, G.I.Joe, Transformers, DigiMonsters, and The Real Ghostbusters. Sure I seen lot of other shows but those were my favorites as a kid, when I hit my teens I wanted more mature shows so hence Ninja Scroll, HellSing, Naruto, Little Shop of Horrors and the like but stuck on rental or showing on late night TV.


Well as I went back and see what were other shows that I had watch back in the days and noticed that a lot of the shows were featuring beefy guys (although straight). He-Man, Superman and Friends, Thunder Cats, Blackstar, Conan the Barbarian, Batman, C.O.P.S., Lonestar, and so forth.


I also watched Ghostbusters, He-Man, Thundercats, Lonestar and Batman. ^^ I remember Ghostbusters the most and the best. The catchy opening song is great. I also understand the wish to watch something more mature. I enjoy shows with progress and as fun as watching He-Man or Batman could be, both shows always turned in circles with their storytelling. I wonder if you have ever seen a show called "Mummies Alive" or "Extreme Dinosaurs"? I started collecting/remembering American shows I watched, to make a list for the next journal.


Yes seen those shows as well. Man if I would do a whole list instead off the top of my head, I think the list would break 100+ total.