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Baelohr and Kato won the latest CC poll. In the final artwork Kato will wear a ninja outfit and Baelohr will wear Samurai armor.
I want their outfits to look cool and sexy.
Therefore I created a character sheet for both guys showing them frontal plus accurate size difference. A human man's head reaches Baelohr's pecs. Perfect height imao.
With the character sheet I can try out ideas.

Up next I will sketch a ninja outfit for Kato and a Samurai armor for Baelohr.
For inspiration I collected the following references.

(Mitsurugi from Soul Calibur)

As soon as I have sketched some nice concepts I gonna post them here.
At this point I want to mention, that looking for ninja clothes references is not that easy, because most art shows Naruto or cliché Halloween costumes. 



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