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Note: This journal is unlocked for all tiers, because it contains important information.

I will pause my work on Patreon in August to take a break. My last vacation was 6 years ago and I reached a physical and mental limit.
My pause on Patreon means that you won't be charged in August and I will return in September.

I will mention my pause again later this month, so that all of you will be informed.

If you should be interested in more details (why I take a break, what is going on), you can continue reading.
The details - for those who are interested:

Since last winter I am constantly ill and I feel weak. There are about 2-3 days per week, when I feel okay (not good) and then I am having head-aches and gastrointestinal problems for the rest of a week.
To be honest my gastrointestinal organs are a mess since I can remember, but this year it consumes more energy than I have.
Additionally I deal with a long depressive phase, which pulls my mood down for months.

There was a series of unfortunate events that mentally challenged me.
I think the beginning was in July 2021, when a flood devastated large parts of my original home. Later that year Discord bots considered my profile as spam and deleted my account and I lost contact to several friends.
Early this year there was an incident within the artist group I founded
As consequence I withdrew.
At the same time I received a big commission for an opera/musical stage, that I accepted.
I had to include the commission into my regular schedule and I am still not done with the task. That's why new Artpacks release a bit delayed since a few months.

At nights I could hardly sleep, because I have a neighbour whose dog(s) bark until late night. I just hate that noise and I think I developed misophonia against dog barking.
I would love to live in a place where dogs are not allowed.
With the help of the local regulatory office the noise has been reduced, but there are still noisy nights. I might need a lawyer.

In April I was at the funeral of a family member. I have mourned and also wondered what do to with the time I have, what will happen if I get old. The thing is, that I do not like my current home, but I do not earn enough money to move. I could not say, where I want to live instead. The idea of "somewhere else" seems to be sufficient.
It should be calm and silent, but with good internet, because the internet is pretty much my only connection to friends.
Sometimes I am not even sure if I am experiencing a midlife crisis with 34 years.

At last there is war in Ukraine, that affects life in Germany and many other countries. The costs for energy and food are rising more and more.
Inflation is pretty much everywhere no matter if Europe, Africa, North- and Sout-America, maybe Asia and Australia, too.

I lost many supporters. Some can't support me anymore, because of sanctions and others are forced to stop their support because of inflation.
The year 2022 is a mess in my opinion and there is still Corona.

I hope that my break in August will help me to recover - especially mentally.
I really love my creative job: Drawing artworks and comics for you makes me happy.
But I learned that I have to take more care of my health.

My humble wish is to gather new energy and to feel refreshed in September.
Earlier this year I mentioned, that I want to practise 2D animation.
I did not give up that wish, I just need more free time and a reliable physical and mental condition.

Thank you very much for reading! <3




Please, do what you need to feel better. Take care of your health.


Take your rest buddy you deserve it. I also decided to pause for this month since I am in a very similar situation like you and it simply sucks. All we can hope that it will be over soon.

greeneyedwolfking (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-13 16:33:28 2022 is definately not our best year so far. Mental-condition-wise I rank it as one of the worst tbh. I hope that having a pause will be good for both of us. &lt;3
2022-07-12 19:17:43 2022 is definately not our best year so far. Mental-condition-wise I rank it as one of the worst tbh. I hope that having a pause will be good for both of us. <3

2022 is definately not our best year so far. Mental-condition-wise I rank it as one of the worst tbh. I hope that having a pause will be good for both of us. <3