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I am colouring this artwork for your next Artpacks. There will also be a solo Beast version.

Real talk:
I recently saw the live action movie of Beauty and the Beast and I want to express my disappointment about the portrayal of gay men in that movie. It was a pure cliché and this really annoys me. If there are only stereotype LGBT characters in mass media I prefer to see none. That would be less harmful than spreading and supporting prejudices.
I grew up in a rural area on a farm and all gay men in TV were extreme fagots (sorry that I use this word). Wearing glitter dresses and having parties. Back in the 90s this was the only image people had of being gay. I knew that I was different from the straight boys, but I had zero interest in transforming into one of those "tropical TV birds". But I had no other gay figure to identify with. And now in the 2020s Disney has nothing better to show than a gay man who enjoys being dressed like a woman: And that's gay - the end.

Don't get me wrong: People can wear any clothes no matter what gender they identify with, plus thick make-up and glitter. But I do not like it when sexual identity and diversity is reduced to a lame cliché so that straight people can laugh about it.
The minds of the producers or screenwriters at Disney are either stuck in 90s (tasteless) humour or their "upper rooms" are totally dusty since decades.

Sorry for adding this opinion below an artwork, but I can not draw these characters without thinking about it.



Cole McReid's Disciple

Honestly, I couldn't agree with you more. Thought the movie itself was good, but the seven seconds devoted to gay representation was simply a rehash of the cliche that's been regurgitated for decades. Personally, Beast has always been one of my all-time favorite fantasies, and he would seem to shoot the 90s idea of being gay right out of the water. In the best way possible. Wish people could wrap their minds around the fact that gay people come in all shapes, sizes, hair concentrations, and personal preferences.


Thanks. It is good to know that I am not the only one who is unhappy with that representation. I think it would be fine to have a gay main character in a massmedia movie. There is a gay main character in Paranorman and it is mentioned casually but also naturally in a dialogue near the end of the movie. And this moment is also very funny. I really like it. Not to mention that it is a great movie in general.


The art is looking amazing!! And yeah, they always try to put stereotypes and make the gay characters just that, the divercity in this movie was really sad to see. Also one thing I read these days is that if we look back most of these movies back in the day, the queer characters where actually the villains, and to be hated. Ursula on Little Mermaid, basically a drag queen and a big girl. Hades on Hercules was very gay-ish. Even Gaston on the original movie had traits that made him on the queer spectrum. "Him" in PowerPuff Girls is another example. But what they didn't expect is that these characters went to actually be favorites of the public, instead of be hated for having queer traits. I'm happy we at least getting some good representation out there, even if small or not seen a lot, they are around, two examples are Korra and Asami from Avatar and Shiro from Voltron, they are so well written and they personality is not just "he/she is gay".


Well those examples like Ursula, Hades etc do not really count in my perception, because this is all interpretation and no fact. I only consider proven LGBT characters. In that contect I think Korra and Asami are the best example of a well written and good pairing. Especially because it was not obvious. There was just these few seconds at the end and the whole fanbase knew it. It was a good "wow" moment.


Yeah they are not necessarily LGBT, I mean to briong them up in the concept of, Disney (and others) trying to use queer stereotype personality and visual traits not only badly, but also only on villains (back in the day). Kinda trying to add on the idea to perceive them as "bad" or "wrong" not only on them being antagonist, but also in these traits, since they are example of "bad guys". Two other examples on that same idea can be Izma and Kronk, Izma also kinda drag-ish, and Kronk being her kinda dump assitant that have queer traits, and then when he became popular and they did a movie dedicated to him what they did? Gave him a female love interesting xD But don't get me wrong, that movie is GREAT, but is interesting to point out these things they did xD And yeah, Korra is great because altho people try to say "ugh this made no sense" if you actually payed attention, you saw the hints there. She only changed letters with Asami, showing she got closer to her, and when they meet and Asami compliment her new hairstyle, Korra actually blush, something she never even did with Mako. xD So I enjoyed it a lot. Same goes for Shiro where the fact that he was gay was not like.. a big thing, we see he had a lover before he went to space, and in the end, that he get married to a man he got close, so was really well written. :3


In general I would hardly use Disney characters as examples for anything. They are so one-dimensionally written, that they can not last in any argumentation. The two main characters of Zootopia are among the few exceptions. It is okay to have a simple concept like Disney movies. That's the recipe of their success. And can't say anything about Shiro, because I don't know that series.


Yeah they definitely are, they are kiiinda trying to "evolve" in some newer stories now, but still very one dimension. Still like you said, simple concepts are not bad, they actually can work well, but I think these are examples of having bad/evil or antagonist characters being Queer Coded while heroes are mostly "Traditional". I do think they are evolving, but not exactly because someone there saw this and said "Oh this is wrong, we should not do that." and more because they saw that having these antagonists with what is considered as queer traits, didn't mean anything really to their public. xD Oh I definitely recommend you to see Voltron, It's a great show, I'm actually rewatching it recently. The characters there and stories are amazing!