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I am sketching Vesemir from a new animated show on Netflix and a beefy werewolf. I hope you look forward to this new artwork :3




.... And another show to add onto the long list of animation/series/movies i should watch but will never do because i'm binge watching random youtube videos. (Oh and the werewolf looks thick!)


In my childhood/teenage years there was anime aired in the afternoon and Disney animations in the evening. Later animes for an older audience were aired on MTV. Nowadays there is so much to watch, that no one could watch it all. The services are overwhelming (almost in a negative way). ^^; I don't even have Netflix. xD I usually draw athletic werewolves,. Drawing a thick one this time, seemed to be a good choice.


Don't tell me. I counted on a relative to get access to Netflix but with the overabundance of differents streaming services (appletv, netflix, disney+ and others i can't name), you're forced to rely on illegal streaming... But by using that streaming, you're also on the verge of watching back old series and, perhaps, end in a loop where old series lead to other old series.... I can't even count how many times i've binged watched avatar TLA or TLOK. In the end.... It only foster insatisfaction. And that's a good variation... Musclechub are always sexy and you've proven to be more than apt in that body type with Baelohr, hehe


I have been offered a Netflix account by a relative, too. Yet I denied, because I don't know, when I should watch all those shows. Paying for a service, which I won't effectively use does not seem a proper idea. Now I want to rewatch TLA and TLOK again, too xD I was so sad about the two brother's fate in TLOK book one. I bet I would also watch more old shows than new ones to stay in my comfort zone of nostalgia. Or to avoid the disappointment several newer shows left me behind with (bad last seasons: GOT, Da Vinci's Demons, Penny Dreadful). Considering body types I would be bored if I would draw the same types again and again. I think the contrast can be fun.


I get what you mean... The idea of paying for all the series in the catalog fell short when, in the need, you're only watching 1 or 2% of it. But it's getting harder to buy access to a serie instead of a streaming service... And more costly. Have fun with TLA/TLOK and i gotta say the fate of the brother is dark... But i can never Zaheer when he's impersonating a white lotus guard. I-... Hrmph ! And to be honest about series, for the moments i'm sticking only to animation (Castlevania, Madoka magica or Psycho pass (but last season is meh.... Fuck) )... You won't find perfection in it but you don't have a feeling of "bad new season" as you can get with live series, since there's no constraint by the actors (and how some can hate each others), of time, of budget.... Or even from the public, having to tiptoe on sensible matters. It's becoming harder and harder to find good live series and perhaps like you, i'll turn towards old shows. And you're right about the contrast, ir always put forth the differences and who i am to judge you on bringing variation? Hehe Just, keep going and make us dream about sexy studs :p


If a patron ever deletes a pledge, that person can keep my Artpacks. The artworks and comic pages do not vanish. A streaming platform denies any acces once a person can't afford it anymore. It indeed costs more to buy a series, but you can keep it. In this context I am not convinced of the streaming services in general. ^^; Long haired Zaheer was a hottie and a very reasonable villain. His motivation was well explained and I consider book 3 as the best of TLOK. They were all great, but this one was so intense! I watched some clips from Castlevania and I can't deal well with the fast animations. I am kinda sensitive to quickly changing lighting and colours and fortunately that Pokemon episode that made kids epileptic was never aired outside if Japan. xD If I might recommend you a show about ghost hunters in England: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yg8b-ZIQ4e8 It's only 8 episodes, but the cast of characters and the story are pretty cool.


Yup, that's the issue: Easy to access or the ability to keep and retain the serie. That's a difficult choice but i can also think of the internet users that did kept the series/movies on their HDD and sharing it to the world, either in hope to perpetuate the serie or just for their own gain... And at the end, if you're like me, you end like a freeloader :X And i'd say that, like it was pointed out, each villain (Except Unalaq, he's a cunt... He's somewhat valid the physical world need to be connect to the spiritual world but... He's a cunt) have a valid opinion but their actions discredit their intentions. And Zaheer is sadly the worst as proving his point, since he's ready to kill the air nomads that could be the most open to his ideology (In a sense, i have an hard-on in the idea of the air nomads following the idea of Zaheer, but it's just a branching of TLOK story born from boredom.) And for Castlevania... That's surely an issue since, indeed, the animation are really fast paced with lot of effects (But please, just watch Sipha's use of magic, that's truly some breathtaking animation, i plead you :X) And i'll add it onto my list, just an inch on the left with For all Mankind (You should watch, that's a down-to-earth serie with a lot of interesting characters too :P)