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This post is meant to offer you an overview of my comic schedule.
I will only mention some NSFW scenes to avoid any story spoilers.

Knights in Japan

Knights in Japan will be an ongoing comic, divided into chapters. That's why there are several SFW pages to introduce the characters.
I plan to complete the first chapter this automn.

On the upcoming pages Baelohr will penetrate each of the guy's holes. Then he will demand the boys to take care of his demon love tunnel at the same time (DP).
After the trio climaxed Baelohr's dream will end and after some short SFW scenes, chapter 1 of KIJ will be completed.

Moon Detective
Right after the completition of KIJ chapter 1, I will continue with the Moon Detective comic. The comic paused after Sebastian had a good time with himself, but this year the action will go on.
The comic will show Sebastian, Stefano and Vilkheim in action. The two werewolves and the giant will show their skills in hot NSFW scenes. Sebastian will also solve his first case as a detective.

Radogien's Magic school
After Moon Detective (case1) I plan to draw Radogien's Magic School. Featuring dragon daddy Radogien and his student Chris, who is a beast-man. We will learn something about magic and that dragons are big - everywhere ;3

Jean's Workshop (working title)
Jean and Wolftian will return in a new comic. This time Jean will proof that he is a skilled mechanic/inventor. Jean's skilled hands will also convince Wolftian of his talents ;3

Potential comics and Interactive comics

In the future there could also be a mystery/horror themed comic for example, about a cursed guy who might be the Son of C'thulhu. Or a story about a nerd and a jock who fall in love with each other. Or a story about a guy who meets a big human-reptile mutant.

Maybe I will create polls where Werewolf and Wolf patrons can choose between different options to determine what will happen next in a comic or what NSFW content you want to see. But I am not sure about the polls yet, because it always feels kinda bad, when the favourite option doesn't win and my actual wish with drawing comics are happy, satisfied patrons.

Well that's it.
As always I am very grateful for your support! <3
And I hope you look forward to the completition, continuation and beginning of new comics.
Thank you for reading



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