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I am playing the Mass Effect Legendary Edition and it is very good. I am currently recruiting my crew in ME2. Furthermore I want to use my motivation to draw an artwork with Garrus, Shepard and Wrex for the next Artpacks.
Mass Effect fanart was among my first artworks years ago and it would be nice to draw a new one. This time with Bara aliens x human :3 (to compensate, that Male Shep can't romance male aliens)




Please. Wrex and Garrus are hunks and it was a waste from bioware to not have them romanceable. (I wish my custom shepard could have both at the same time T3T)


It’s a shame that there aren’t any Krogan romance options in the games (or any male aliens for maleshep like you said). I’m really looking forward to seeing these characters in your style. I hope you draw Wrex with 4 balls.


In Dragon Age Inq. Bioware had problems with animating size difference romance with the Iron Bull, but the aliens in ME are almost all as tall as humans. I guess in ME they were not ready for males-only alien romances. After romancing Jaal in Andromeda I hope they will offer good romances in a potential ME4. Fun fact: I created a custom Shep once and he looked like Hagrid's brother (Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix). xD I chose default Shep instead. lol


Krogan's are among the hottest species in space. I would also love to date a Quarian male or a Drell. And Wrex will have 4 balls of course. This fact is mentioned several times in the games so I want to be accurate. ^^


Well, for the krogans, they are as tall as the humans because of those issues with animation. If krogans were to be as tall as on the lore, we would be talking to Wrex chest (not that i wouldn't mind ~) Still, the game industry is frisky about males-only romance while talking about lgbt representation when they're throwing objectified lesbian relantionship all over the place.... Even if Mass effect did manage some relationship right (and just saying for Jaal... The character wasn't romanceable in the earlier updates/versions of the game which made it hilarious when there was a lot of straight and lesbian relationship possible but not even enough romances to fill a stupid achievement.... I hope Bioware will do better in the next mass effect and dragon age >w<)


Considering the height: I want to talk to Wrex's chest :3 *Sigh* It is true: There seems to be more lesbian stuff going on, because I bet developers/producers hope that horny straight guys, who are stuck in puberty since ages will fall for this cheasy trick. Jaal wasn't romanceable at the beginning indeed. I played the game and I was so - super - disappointed in the gay romance options! That stereotype workshop guy who spends more time with doing his hair than repairing stuff and that pseudo criminal man on a planet. He wasn't even a part of the crew! I stopped playing Andromeda after a while, because it was kinda boring and without any proper romance option for me I quitted. I hate romance trophies, when they are related to genders. Actually there should be no romance trophies at all, because I bet some players just feel forced into something to get a trophy. ^^; I hated the forced romances in the Witcher 3 for example. I spend most of the time choosing the most unfriendly replies for Yennefer and Triss xD


Everyone wants to give that Krogan chest a firm squeese or use them as pillows after a rough day... Pillows talk get a new sense with it ~ And clearly for the relationship in Andromeda, they were all forgettable... ... In fact, if we remove the romance parts or any direct interaction with Ryder, we have some funny exchanges over the intercom or the notes that can be read in the Tempest. But then, you add your own character and then every interaction is poorly made. (And i'm still angry to see the last scenes or rendez-vous with Drack that were rushed... Grandpa Drack needs more love T3T) And i avoided The Witcher 3, haha... But it clearly felt in the same vein when i rushed Cyberpunk and to see Panam hard-hitting on me constantly. Please, can they stop shoehorning us into a straight relationship?


I felt kinda trolled in Andromeda several times, because the romance option shows up on characters who don't want a gay relationship and then I got friendzoned xD That gave me a DA:I Cullen flashback -_- Drack had a few romance dioalogue options, but that's all. ^^; He is one of the best crew mates, but they did not use his full potential. The Witcher 3 is a very nice game (except for all those witch-bitches). There is also one very good straight romance option for Geralt, but that one comes very late during a DLC. And considering Cyberpunk I kinda lost interest after a while. So much dialogue and so little gameplay, while my PS4 almost catches fire.


If you don't want to get Friendzoned, avoiding Cyberpunk or at least ignoring it is a good choice as there's not a lot of romance options and you can easily fall into a similar scene... Albeit worse to my opinion. In the same way, i'll stray away from The Witcher 3 to not be shoehorned into a straight relationship or to have a gameplay that seems clunky to me (Just my opinion again and there's again worse than The Witcher 3... Like DA:I) Drack was still a nice and funny character, that's sad we won't see him again unless they reinstate him in the next mass effect (Which i doubt and if they did, it would be poorly done i think)... I'm a terrible being to sexualise that grumpy krogan but i loved him for his friendly attitude and some of his quirky interaction. (The banter he has in the Mako is perfect, with any character)


I have the official guide book for Cyberpunk ^^; It is a nice book for game, which did not reach my expectations. xD Getting to the gay romance is super complex and while reading the guide my motivation decreased slowly. I played DA:I a lot xD But that was several years ago. I am not sure if my opinion would change if I would replay it now. Drack has the daddy-spirit and charme. He is one of those calm, gentle, interesting characters you just want to spend time with. He has experience and he might be a good protector, too. Feeling safe is important. In comparison that other straight human guy has a disgusting couch as main feature. xD


Well, the romance seems to be complex to get but if you're a completionist who want to have a clean map, you can stumble upon it easily. (In fact, a friend told me there was no gay relationship so i was just doing my life in the game... And happened to stumble upon River and Kerry. Got friendzoned hard (And laughed like a dumbass for it) and then got the ship XD And well, i've been playing DA:I a lot too (My last playthrough i did was... One year ago, fully modded and all)... And i can tell that i cannot live again without that dumb mod that let you keep the mage teleportation indefinitely.... That's cheated and stupid but the open world is less of a chore to explore and to "clean". And for Liam? They managed to make a human male more bland and boring than Jacob! In comparison, Drack is like an oasis of details and fun! He's old and will remind it to you when he want... And it's mostly to take advantages of you (Although just for teasing you). ... Also, i wanted so bad to have a glimpse of the man below the armor just to see the extent of the modifications/prosthetics as he's keen to ramble about it, huhu


Well there is one gay romance with a not that handsome guy - at least he is not my type. I think he is a former band member from Johnny. I would have dated Takemura. :3 But that's not possible. I ran a lot through those open maps in DA:I. Sometimes is was fun to explore and in some cases it was just boring. I got lost in that all green forest for example, because it looks pretty much the same at each tree. xD Phew Jacob is so lame. I only had him in my team for the loyality mission and since then he gets dusty in the armory storage. I think it is strange how game developers choose the lamest characters for romances, while the cool ones are banished to be side-kicks. It happened to me many times. Even in RPGs I met NPCs who are more interesting than the main characters. ^^; Imagine Drack as the main character: An old krogan on his last(?) adventure. The story would write itself!


Yup, that's the one. (But i stumbled upon his romance while thinking there was no gay romance)... And Takemura, 100% dilf... Once i had a discussion with him, i wanted to date him and did everything to save him. I wasn't lost in DA:I as i have a great sense of orientation... But still, i wanted to slap the devs and game designers hard with all the fetch quests there is in the open world. And when your mean to travel are to use your feet or an horse, i'm happily modding the game to make it less than a chore... T3T And true! But often, in RPG, they want to offer the ability for the player to create and play their own character => You're forced to play a bland character while most of your choices have little to no implications to the story (Happily enough, the rpg from Bioware and Obsidian are the exception ^^) It's even worse when you want them to play a non-human character. If you have the player be a non-human character while there's humans in the game, you can pinch yourself because you're daydreaming. It's a shame but humans are far more marketable than fuckable monsters T3T (And i have no shame to imagine that Drack has some NSFW scene in that hypothetical game... But not with asaris... Stop it with the Asaris T3T)


Takemura = dilf by 100% <3 I loaded an old save to redo the mission to save him. My orientation only works well when I can remember a place. Once it is all just a green forest with a copy-pasted tendency I find my point for orientation - but wait... It is just a tree that looks like another one before. lol I am no fan of creating my own character in a game, because it is an empty shell and I tend to redo and redo the customization again and again, while I accept premade main characters directly as they are. Having my own character was okay in Fallout 4, because the character is completely voiced, but when I am random person number X with zero voice and interactions, I just can't identify with them. Spontaneously I can only think of Skyrim, FF14 and Divinity 2 were Furry species are an option. I once played an old SNES game with a red Gargoyle who could transform into other Gargoyles. It wasn't that good or I wasn't that good at it. xD But the idea playing as a Gargoyle was fantastic. Phew Asaris. For gay-me they are the most boring species in all of ME. Only females with a strange reproduction plus thirsty fans who won't get tired of rendering d*ckgirls. -_-


For Takemura, i was the worst. Instead of following the expected course of the mission and then head to the upper floor. I just jumped until i managed to get back where Takemura was before the cutscene. And yeah, some games are just obscure or even try to throw you off with their poor design choices. Copy pasting assets is one of those half-assed solution the gaming industry is abusing. And i do understand the frustration with character creation. You can put a lot of effort in the character but at the end, you're solely getting the same interaction as everyone... With no voice acting. (Or even a voice acting not on point. the DILF i created in DA:2 was a poor example T3T) And yup, there's barely any choice of furries or non-human character in rpg. That's a shame when you compare with the 26216th flavor or humans or elves they throw at you in hope to get every playstyles associated with one human/elf race... urgh. At least, we will get Baldur's gate 3 (although still in EA) which will bring the dragonborn and probably others races as i'm sure the modding community will do anything to bring the more obscures races from D&D into Baldur's gate 3. And Gargoyle can be freaking sexy, i admit. (If you know general Draven from wow... You know ~) The Asaris are not only boring as they're attracting all the thirsty teenagers and hoging all the porn onto them... But when you play in ME, you always get the "Oh yeah, Humans are always attracted by the Asari" Yeah bitch no... I'm attracted by the Krogans and the Turians, your shiny blue ass can disappear in a collapsing supernova as i care. Liara and Samara does have nice interactions but each time i am reminded of their supposed sex appeal, i just want to throw all of Thessia through the airlocks

Joseph (edited)

Comment edits

2022-02-01 06:27:56 Never enough Bara aliens and humans!! Will be great to see more of Shepard and his men! <3
2021-06-01 18:15:32 Never enough Bara aliens and humans!! Will be great to see more of Shepard and his men! <3

Never enough Bara aliens and humans!! Will be great to see more of Shepard and his men! <3


Same happened to me, because Johnny just bla bla blas into the situation so I got all confused. -_- It is not good when there are too many dialogues going on. I created Hagrid's brother in ME3. That was a total failure and in creation mode he actually looked good, but in the game... Phew, he looked terrible. I think Hawke in DA2 was a quite good looking character. He had a beard, which is always a plus. I never played Baldur's gate but I have seen some let's player talking about it - being all excited. I wish there would be a game with a Gargoyle again or another cool creature. This lack is my main motivation to draw human x Furry content. It is so rare, what is a pity. No chance Asari b*tches I ignore all of you. Talk to my hand xD Because I am busy with staring male Krogans, Turians, Drells and Quarians and whatever Jaal was. As a comrade Liara is fine. She is not trying to be overly sexy and I appreciate that. Or I never chose the romance answers. Anyway I hope for a proper ME4.