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I sketched a new page for Knights in Japan.
Baelohr's pecs are big, muscular and perfectly squeezable. Not to mention that his nips need special attention :3



Kiart (edited)

Comment edits

2022-02-01 06:28:04 Where i can pay to take their place? <3
2021-05-14 21:31:07 Where i can pay to take their place? <3

Where i can pay to take their place? <3


Fantasy is for free :3 Otherwise we would have to collect cash for genetic engineering to create a sexy oni in real life. xD


That's still a superior reason over the genetically engineered catgirls imo x) And yet, i'll survive with my fantasy of a fat big-pecs oni bf *run away*


Those catgirls are just stupid: I mean, there would be so many possibilities and the only idea those people come up with is adding cat ears to a human. -_- Team fat big-pecs oni definately wins! :3


Not only those catgirls are stupid but are also fitting one of the creepiest tropes in the anime: Exacerbated Gender dimorphism. When you have one species where males are looking monsters/scalies/aliens and you have the females looking like humans with just a "fancy" details to tell them apart from the humans. Creepy on how that concept is commonly applied in fantasy and just appealing to the basic instincts of peoples.


I agree 100%-ly! And there is a picture, which shows it perfectly: https://i.imgur.com/w2L2CU0.jpg It is so ridiculous xD


Haha, This! The first time i saw that meme, i spit out my drink! And it was even more stupid as it was linked to the races from World of warcraft: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ExLI4r_VgAAZ0YD.png:large I cannot say i want peoples to stop being thirsty (As we all are thirsty bois here too) but i just hope they can... Dunno, focus on a different and less cringey races of fantasy


The meme shows it perfectly. xD Phew... that Draenei difference is the worst. For some reason creators think that all females want to be adorable girly super models. I think (female) players want and deserve the option to play a tough character who doesn't look like a make-up tutorial from Youtube.


Indeed! That's why i stray away from cartoonish and asian mmos.... Both are often playing with overly slim females without any hint of armor. I prefer, when i play females characters, to have a character with a clear defined identity or an appearance that is sought after. Not a barbie doll