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I released the new Artpacks yesterday, so I take a little break today to relax a bit.
I use the free time to prepare new artworks. It is fun to imagine different ideas to find a good pose and a little background story for each picture. For example the scene of Goliath and McBeth on the rooftop in the March Artpacks. It makes a difference if the characters are randomly doing pin-up poses or if they really do something together at a specific location.

This month I will draw Bigby Wolf and Jack. Werewolf and Wolf patrons could vote in a poll to determine the content of the artwork. I will try to combine the detention/teacher idea with the wild Bigby "blow me" one. For the pose I think I choose cowboy position: Bigby riding Jack face to face. This pose allows me to draw sexy pecs for Bigby. The cowboy pose will also stress the danger a bit. Bigby bottoms for Jack, but he will have control, because he sits on his treat - literally. I also think about an extra version for the artwork, where Bigby has transformed into his Werewolf form. That would tear apart his shirt and it would be a Furry artwork, too.

I also think about drawing Max and Akira from Astral Chain together with a legion: Threesome action :3
I found a very nice concept art of Akira and it is a pity, that he does not look like this in the final game. I love that tight outfit he is wearing. I might use that in my artwork.
I will also try to draw a unique legion. That's why I marked my favourite designs in the artwork above. Maybe I can combine them to a Bara-Beast-Knight legion.
Since I haven't made a final decision about the pose yet, you could suggest some wishes in the comments.
I think about a big legion bottom, f*cked by Akira, who is f*cked by Max - a train-f*ck.
Or a double d*cked legion who takes care of Max and Akira at the same time.
It both sounds tempting to me.

Tomorrow I plan to open the CC poll. And I plan to write a journal about my Gumroad revelations. It's very interesting what content is popular there. Well I can reveal one famous item here: The Massage comic is a bestseller.
I will also upgrade all reward tiers officially with The Massage comic as a welcome gift for each patron. I share the comic with all patrons since I finished it, but for some reason I never thought about putting that line in the reward tiers. ^^;
And before I forget, I might also add the Wolfballs to the reward tiers. By the way you could try a Wolfball as avatar pic: here on Patreon or somewhere else.

Hm... I did not intend to write that much text, but it just happened. xD
Thank you for your attention. <3


PS: I almost forgot that I am working on two commissions backstage: Conan the barbarian will be coloured and I gonna draw a SFW Werewolf relaxing on a bed.



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