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Last year I was interested in your feedback and your wishes regarding my work.
I created a wishlist post, where you were able to tell me what kind of content you would like to see more often. The main result was: Regular Furry art and more completely drawn bodies (no cropped perspectives).

Some of you already saw the overview above showing all Artpacks from 2020 in a previous Kings Journal. Nevertheless I want to share it with all reward tiers to check if I added your wishes into my schedule.
To be short: I did. I drew Furry art and completely drawn bodies regularly - each month for each Artpack.

I want to begin this year with offering a possibility to tell me your wishes again.
You can tell me what kind of content you would like to see more often. For example poses.
You can also give me some feedback in general if you want. What did you like or where do you think could be improvements.
You can also tell me nothing: This means you are happy and agree with my artistic decisions.

If you have a wish you can write a comment to tell me your thought(s).
Thank you for your feedback.

Some dont's:
Well, sorry, but there are a few things you needn't tell me.
No character requests, because I offer the Commission Chance.
No recommendations like: Draw character X and you will be popular.
Probably no Twitter drawing challenges, because they hardly fit in my schedule.
No fanart comic. I want to own the complete copyright for my comics.
No Gumroad. People who lack money for Patreon also lack money for Gumroad. Sounds harsh, but logical.
I might create a Gumroad account to sell digital versions of my comics in the future.




I just love daddies...... lots of daddies 🤤🤤🤤


I will draw a daddy character from Monster Hunter Rise in March and after I finished KIJ and Moon Detective I will work on "Radogien's Magic School", where a daddy will be the main character. In general I will have a look if new games also feature hot daddys for fanart.


Oh that will be perfect! Thank you 😜😜😜


Would love to see more of Eivor from AC Valhalla, maybe him bottoming for Villi. :)


Thank you for your comment! :) Well, Valhalla and me ain't best friends. ^^; Nevertheless when it comes to specific characters I can recommend you the Commission Chance in the Werewolf tier. I am aware, that joining that tier is not possible for everyone, but in the CC you could suggest your favourite character(s) each month.

Thomas Polk

Less hairy, more jock studs in your imaginative style.


Thank you for your feedback. Well, I actually think that hairy, daddy types are among my most popular artworks. Nevertheless I will keep your wish in mind. I already made some notes for a potential short comic about a jock and a coach or some sexy farmer (potential future projects). I usually try to draw different amounts of bodyhair. The AC Allstars project is a good example. Edward and Connor are less hairy than the others.