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Each Werewolf patron can suggest one character until 6th January 2021.
Thank you for your suggestion.
Greeny :3




I would like to suggest Takemura Goro from Cyberpunk 2077bwoth pose by Greeny. But I'm concerning that seems his neck are too complicated to draw... Should I suggest someone else?(;´∀`)


This must be brain wave transmission! I play Cyberpunk since christmas and Takemura Goro is such a hot daddy! Don't worry about his neck. I think it ain't more work than drawing a chimeira from Astral Chain. And I drew one twice. lol Thank you for your suggestion! :)


I suggest Gabumon Bond of Friendship evolution from the Kizuna movie! :3 Pose by Greeny! https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ERN0aIWVAAMXd1y?format=jpg&name=900x900