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While I was working on the linearts and colours of the AC guys, a friend/fan created a potential compilation of all assassins. I like the timeline idea, but the spaces between the characters should be a bit bigger, because of the love tools in the NSFW versions.

In general I haven't decided the arrangement of the compilation yet. It is still a work in progress and I prefer to wait until I finished all artworks. Maybe I will try which poses fit next to each other the best. I also have the idea of sharing a special PSD file so that patrons could arrange the assassins themselves to create customized/personal Allstars artworks.
Although I am not sure how many people have access to Photoshop or if a freeware like Gimp can handle it alternately. Not to mention the huge amount of data of a PSD file, that will be at least 12000 pixels in width.
Well, and that's why I will think about all these questions after I coloured the missing assassins. ^^;
