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Samael is a big, powerful demon with big pecs. He takes good care of Strife, while Death and War enjoy the view. Except for Samael they are all Nephilim: Descendants of demons and angels who won't deny some fun.

The artwork is one of the most complex ones I have drawn so far and it is already among my alltime favourites. The colours, the size difference, the pecs, the poses, the characters, Strife's armor, the location - it's a perfect match in my opinion.

The artwork has 7 SFW variations and 10 NSFW variations (plus messy versions in the  Werewolf Artpack). Aside the messy extra versions Werewolf patrons can enjoy the guys in 8k! The artwork is huge.
But don't worry, no matter if Puppy, Wolf or Werewolf Artpack - The guys are huge, too, if you know what I mean ;3

Artpacks release: 6th December 2020



Joseph (edited)

Comment edits

2022-02-01 06:29:19 This pic is just perfect <3 Love everything about it, the size difference, the brothers there enjoying it, the colours, just sooooo good!! <3
2020-12-10 02:50:12 This pic is just perfect <3 Love everything about it, the size difference, the brothers there enjoying it, the colours, just sooooo good!! <3

This pic is just perfect <3 Love everything about it, the size difference, the brothers there enjoying it, the colours, just sooooo good!! <3

greeneyedwolfking (edited)

Comment edits

2022-02-01 06:29:19 Thank you very much!! &lt;3
2020-12-10 11:10:53 Thank you very much!! <3

Thank you very much!! <3