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The Evil Within is my favourite horror game. It's like the love child of Resident Evil and Silent Hill. I recently replayed all chapters and even on new game + the monsters and locations are terryfying and memorable.

One of the most iconic bosses is the Keeper. A huge man whose head is locked inside a safe. After he gave Sebastian a very hard time I thought it was about time to give Sebastian a pleasant revenge. ;)
This artwork shows DP - meaning Sebastian's sword of love and his fist. There is also a pump that takes care of the Keeper and there will be alternates for the messy versions (Werewolf Artpack only). In the special messy versions Sebastian will use the pump to fill his belly with love juice. I created two possible bellies: A or B.

Which one do you prefer? Tell me in the comments if you like.
The coloured artwork will be inside your next Artpacks.

A trivia at last: Sebastian Castellanos is the reason, why I called my OC from Moon Detective "Sebastian", who is also my mascot representing the reward tiers.




I prefer A

Josh Fitzpatrick

im a huge fan of b and c, i love that youre starting (experimenting?) with inflation

greeneyedwolfking (edited)

Comment edits

2022-02-01 06:29:35 Thanks! <3 I want to expand my drawing experiences with new and more courageous content. Inflation can be (very) hot and this artwork is kinda destined to show round bellies. :3
2020-10-29 12:30:18 Thanks! <3 I want to expand my drawing experiences with new and more courageous content. Inflation can be (very) hot and this artwork is kinda destined to show round bellies. :3

Thanks! <3 I want to expand my drawing experiences with new and more courageous content. Inflation can be (very) hot and this artwork is kinda destined to show round bellies. :3

Thomas Polk

I like muscled abdomens, please.