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In this journal I will write about my thoughts regarding my work as an artist. What bothers me? What kills my motivation? What are my personal interests?! What did I learn during 4 years on Patreon?!

And I will write about changes, which are the results of my experiences.
But first things first: Will this be a happy journal?
The answer is: You have to read it and you'll see.

Here I go.

What bothers me
I have an account on Patreon since August 2016. I began with sharing my art on Tumblr and I was in an urgent need for money so Patreon seemed to be a good thing.
The first illusion I lost was that fans would support me. Clicking the like button on a free art page is not the first step to becoming a patron. Before Tumblr banished art for adults I had about 10.000 follower, but only 60 patrons. Of course 60 patrons are a proper amount, but compared to 10.000 possible patrons it does not seem that much.
The same happens on Twitter. I am heading towards 10.000 followers while I am shrinking on Patreon.
A few weeks ago I received a strange exit survey message. Once a patron deletes a pledge, there are pre-made phrases to choose from, that offer different reasons why someone finishes the support. The message contained the following phrase:
"I only intended to give Greeneyedwolfking a certain amount of money"
For me that does not sound like someone who came here for my art. It sounds like charity for the pitiful. Like poor Greeny needs some Dollars. Who cares what he is doing, because I give artists a certain amount of money and then I am gone.

I am no fan of the exit survey, because it completely focuses on patrons and ignores the creators point of view. I have an example:
"I did not get the rewards" - and the patron deletes the pledge.
I can not reply to that person, because the patron's name isn't displayed.
But I can tell you the truth: That patron did not pledge anything and I do not reward people for fraud.

The fanart problem
Aside dealing with Patreon issues the fanart is one of my main concerns. When I browse the Internet or Twitter I can find one fanart artist after another. And there are many talented ones. I am a patron of some artists, too, but it would be impossible for me to support every artist I like. My financial situation is limited. So from another point of view, that "pledging only a certain amount of money" patron might wander between different artists to support one after another. The movement of patrons is dynamic on Patreon and it is tough to keep the same supporters over months and years.

So shout outs to my long time patrons! You are great!! <3

What has all that to do with fanart?! Fanart is an effective way to attract attention. People love certain characters so they might love my art. The problem is, that hardcore fanboys and girls hardly care about style and quality: They just focus on a character and take everything that person is involved in. I have seen popular art on Twitter, where I would not have known who that is supposed to be, if there wouldn't be a name. Just a random face and some clothes and the fans are happy.
I know, that's not always the case, but one can not deny, that there is a lot of fanart, where it is hard to see any accuracy to the original source, when facial features are completely ignored and are exchanged with a random anime face.
Anime style can be extremely good and unique, but I am talking about those easy anime faces, where a simple straight line is supposed to be a nose.

Fanart tourism
I am not done with the fanart topic, because I didn't mention the biggest problem.
Once a fan is attracted he/she will want more of the same character. Even now the Internet is still full of Overwatch fanart and Chris Redfield content. It is a heaven for fans, but it is also a desert for fans with diverse interests.
Each time I drew popular stuff I got new patrons who vanished after a month, because I did not draw their favourite character again and again and again.
I like to draw less famous characters in fanart, sometimes I even enjoy it just to be a rebel.
I do not like to surf on the same wave like anybody else.
But once I do not surf that wave I lose supporters. I grow very slowly on Patreon, because I literally pay a high price for my artistic freedom. I do find people who like rarely drawn stuff.
I am grateful for each new supporter who will stay here to support me drawing infamous characters. But the fanart tourists ignore me. They go to other artists.

Fanart competition
Fanart also means competition. Tough competition. Unfair competition. When I was suspended on Patreon in 2017 like some other artists I had the impression it hit selected artists and there was no coincidence. I am still convinced, that someone systematically reported artists to harm them or to get rid of competitors.

In general I have to compete with any fanart artist in the world. Yes, that's a lot. And each month a new one joins the battle of attention.
I did not accept this state and unlike others I did not join that fight. Together with two friends I founded a group for artists. A group, where you needn't be famous to join.
The Everec-group. To be honest not much happens there. We create art specials for Halloween and Christmas, but it is fun and it is a chance to be visible in that ocean of art.
At the beginning I did not have noble intentions. I thought, when a super famous artist would join the group, the less famous ones could profit from that fame. It is a shameful thought and fortunately I changed my mind with gathering more experience.
I want to be a good example for an artist. I accepted my/our artists group as it is. Kinda dead between the holidays, but somehow charming as it exists aside any fame.
It is important to see each other, to not get lost in the Internet. In the Everec group we have literature/fiction, 3D art and 2D art. We unite different areas of art and that's a success. At least for me. A small one. But a success.

The Changes and Chances

Do you notice that the journal is moving towards a happier direction?
There is a way to resist the fanart competition and to get out of the shadow of other artist's fame. The answer will be a different one for each creator, but my answer is:
Original content.
Long time patrons might remember my plans of creating a game. There even exists a Kings Journal with early concept art. But "Radogien's Magic School" paused like several other of my own ideas, because I tried to keep up with popular fanart artists.
I reached a moment, where I can accept, that I can not keep up with those artists.
I was so ambitious for 4 years. I believed in my abbility to learn fast, to become better fast.
But I think I bet on the wrong horse. I should have trusted in my ideas more.
I want to trust in my ideas more. I think they are good and promising.
I can be the origin of original content instead of drawing others creations.
I have the chance to create things on my own and I do not wish to lose patrons who came for my comics and then I just draw a single page per month. That's a pity.

I am among the very few artists who draw Bara and Furry art and I let humans and Furries interact. There is no division. I have pleanty of ideas for comics, that do not exist.
I can show worlds and stories where being gay or whatever is no drama, but a chance to experience fun, friendship, romance and love.
To follow this new path, well it is actually nothing new - so let's say: To enlarge and develop my original content I will edit all reward tiers.

There will be 3 artworks and 2 comic pages in the future. The Commission Chance remains as well as my promise that at least one of the artworks shows a Furry character.
The third artwork will be something nice, too.
I do enjoy drawing fanart, especially of characters I like so the fanart will not vanish.
I just give my original content more room to grow. Like a plant, that finally gets more water and sun.

There is something else. I will try a new software for drawing. it might be good or bad. I can not tell yet. It is called Manga Studio. According to the video the program can create panels and that might be helpful for me. Photoshop is good for colouring, but I am not sure anymore if it is the right choice for me.

Anyway. I hope you somehow enjoyed reading this journal. It started quite negative, but it ends with a ray of light. Creative light. I hope you look forward to a faster progress of my comics.
If you want to share any thoughts with me you can tell me in the comments.

Thank you for reading!

PS: I created a selection of different Artpack overviews from different years to show, that I edited  and changed my presentation several times. Sometimes on my own will and sometimes because I felt insecure. Feeling insecure is something that accompanies me.
But I am learning to accept, that I am not a fortune teller and that I have to trust in my decision before others can do so too.




Strongly agree your point on Fanart topics, since characters I loved are always too unpopular that nobody heard or cares. For example Max Howard. He is one but not the one the good charactesr I think being underestimated. Back in November 2019 I suggested him in the commission chance poll. And I really love that. I somehow a bit tired on seeing some bara characters again and again everyday, and seeing fanboys of those characters keeps requesting more(for free). Which I did is to commission what I wanted to see. A lot and sharing them on the Internet if possible to see if there's a chance that people can discover something out of the majority but attractive... I guess Greeny you may seen some of them already on Twitter? Back to topic, I really appreciate you keeping all the fans with different interest and preference satisfied all the time by trying a lot of new things on both Fanart and Original contents in high quality with a lot of unexpected surprise .Love you(≧▽≦)


I couldn't agree more, it's nice to see that some artists are daring enough to get out of what I would call the "art comfort zone" about all those mainstream characters. Some of them are really attractive but seeing them all over the internet is kind of boring to a point where I can't stand to see them anymore.


What really pains me the most in this is the "I only planned on giving that much money" phrase. As you said it really feels like they are not caring about your art, and just want to give you money out of mercy. I feel like if I want to give money to an artist I have to like his art, I wouldn't buy a painting from a painter(famous or not) if I didn't like it, and to me it's the same for Patreon. It's now around 3 years that I am your patron and never have I regretted this decision, I really love your art style and I still feel like when I was a child on Christmas Day when an artpack is released. Aside from your art style, I really also appreciate that you are giving some spotlight to characters that aren't mainstream. I feel like some of them are like some raw diamonds, they need to be given some time and attention in order to shine ^^


I really appreciate your support considering my fanart criticism. It is such a shame, that the art community focuses on single characters and everybody else is never or hardly drawn. And regarding Twitter: You have a new follower - me. ^^ I understand how you feel about supporting Max Howard, while it seems like no one else cares. That's tough. But it is exactly why we both agree about monotone fanart. And as I said before I really appreciate your support in this case and in general. So here is a "big thank you" for you! Get some Bara and Furry hugs &lt;3


I agree. That phrase is just strange. It might mean, that a person pledges for several artists after another, because supporting all at the same time isn't possible. Nevertheless I prefer priorities. That means long time patrons, because a long support is the best feedback I can get considering my art. Mainstream art can be an easy income, but as I said in the journal, it causes many problems. Actually people support artists on Patreon, but most think it is a shop, where you just buy and leave. Support is the main idea and the Artpacks are a sign of gratitude for my patrons. The fanart issue somehow erases the artist behind the artworks and maniac fans do not care, where something comes from as long as it comes again and again. So I am feeling fine with my rarely drawn characters. ^^


The comfort zone is also a corruption zone, because the mainstream overshadowes all personal interests of the creator. The artist becomes a machine to deliver popular fanart. I do not deny, that some mainstream stuff is nice, but it always means, that other characters get little or no attention.

Joseph (edited)

Comment edits

2022-02-01 06:29:59 That "specific amount of money" is so weird, that option does not even really make sense to help both the artist and Patreon itself know what the person purpose was... I guess we could say it's the same as "I just wanted a specific reward" but still, very weird. I do love fanart, It's always great to see characters on +18 gay situations~ But still I agree that we have a big problem of, a lot of great characters stays on the shadows while the same ones always get attention, I have my favorite characters and couples for art, some we see art all around but others people totally ignore, for example Monkey, from Enslaved, I still don't understand how there is basically nothing of him, that's part of the reason I want to practice more and start drawing myself, to show more of characters I really like but people don't care much, they all deserve a spot on the light. :3 I am thankfull for the fanarts you do, I mean, I discovered you thanks to the Gladio pole dancing story and arts, and been here ever since, wow over 3 years already hahaha, and hope to be here for many more :3 But I also see how much more you can do and was great to see all the different characters you did over the years, I loooove your OCs, and It's always great to see more and more of them, I really wish more people got to appreciate them and see the stories you create, they are fantastic! And yeah It's soo cool how open you are with ideas, like the furry x human ones, It's not a lot of people that mix both with no problem and It's very fun that you do it, I specially love it &lt;3 I really love your works, all of it, and how you give opportunity to many unknown characters to shine and also give YOUR characters that chance, they really are fantastic and I like to know more and more about them always, I hope these changes go for the best possible and that everything goes the best way possible, and of course I will be here to see and enjoy all your works! =D
2020-11-08 02:10:43 That "specific amount of money" is so weird, that option does not even really make sense to help both the artist and Patreon itself know what the person purpose was... I guess we could say it's the same as "I just wanted a specific reward" but still, very weird. I do love fanart, It's always great to see characters on +18 gay situations~ But still I agree that we have a big problem of, a lot of great characters stays on the shadows while the same ones always get attention, I have my favorite characters and couples for art, some we see art all around but others people totally ignore, for example Monkey, from Enslaved, I still don't understand how there is basically nothing of him, that's part of the reason I want to practice more and start drawing myself, to show more of characters I really like but people don't care much, they all deserve a spot on the light. :3 I am thankfull for the fanarts you do, I mean, I discovered you thanks to the Gladio pole dancing story and arts, and been here ever since, wow over 3 years already hahaha, and hope to be here for many more :3 But I also see how much more you can do and was great to see all the different characters you did over the years, I loooove your OCs, and It's always great to see more and more of them, I really wish more people got to appreciate them and see the stories you create, they are fantastic! And yeah It's soo cool how open you are with ideas, like the furry x human ones, It's not a lot of people that mix both with no problem and It's very fun that you do it, I specially love it <3 I really love your works, all of it, and how you give opportunity to many unknown characters to shine and also give YOUR characters that chance, they really are fantastic and I like to know more and more about them always, I hope these changes go for the best possible and that everything goes the best way possible, and of course I will be here to see and enjoy all your works! =D

That "specific amount of money" is so weird, that option does not even really make sense to help both the artist and Patreon itself know what the person purpose was... I guess we could say it's the same as "I just wanted a specific reward" but still, very weird. I do love fanart, It's always great to see characters on +18 gay situations~ But still I agree that we have a big problem of, a lot of great characters stays on the shadows while the same ones always get attention, I have my favorite characters and couples for art, some we see art all around but others people totally ignore, for example Monkey, from Enslaved, I still don't understand how there is basically nothing of him, that's part of the reason I want to practice more and start drawing myself, to show more of characters I really like but people don't care much, they all deserve a spot on the light. :3 I am thankfull for the fanarts you do, I mean, I discovered you thanks to the Gladio pole dancing story and arts, and been here ever since, wow over 3 years already hahaha, and hope to be here for many more :3 But I also see how much more you can do and was great to see all the different characters you did over the years, I loooove your OCs, and It's always great to see more and more of them, I really wish more people got to appreciate them and see the stories you create, they are fantastic! And yeah It's soo cool how open you are with ideas, like the furry x human ones, It's not a lot of people that mix both with no problem and It's very fun that you do it, I specially love it <3 I really love your works, all of it, and how you give opportunity to many unknown characters to shine and also give YOUR characters that chance, they really are fantastic and I like to know more and more about them always, I hope these changes go for the best possible and that everything goes the best way possible, and of course I will be here to see and enjoy all your works! =D

greeneyedwolfking (edited)

Comment edits

2022-02-01 06:29:59 It's reduced to a shop and not meant as real patronage. Resident Evil and Overwatch still kinda dominate the fanart community. You could suggest Monkey for the CC poll. ;) Gladio was fun to draw, because he was never that hyped. I drew FF15 fanart before the game's release, too. I prefer to draw a lot of creatures, instead of becoming repetitive with only one drawing topic. Thank you very much! &lt;3 I really appreciate, that you like my OCs. I love drawing comics and I want to create a lot of them!! =D
2020-11-08 20:13:20 It's reduced to a shop and not meant as real patronage. Resident Evil and Overwatch still kinda dominate the fanart community. You could suggest Monkey for the CC poll. ;) Gladio was fun to draw, because he was never that hyped. I drew FF15 fanart before the game's release, too. I prefer to draw a lot of creatures, instead of becoming repetitive with only one drawing topic. Thank you very much! <3 I really appreciate, that you like my OCs. I love drawing comics and I want to create a lot of them!! =D

It's reduced to a shop and not meant as real patronage. Resident Evil and Overwatch still kinda dominate the fanart community. You could suggest Monkey for the CC poll. ;) Gladio was fun to draw, because he was never that hyped. I drew FF15 fanart before the game's release, too. I prefer to draw a lot of creatures, instead of becoming repetitive with only one drawing topic. Thank you very much! <3 I really appreciate, that you like my OCs. I love drawing comics and I want to create a lot of them!! =D