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While I am working on Maximilian's artwork I'm having a lot of fun and even more important I feel very motivated to finish the artwork. That's why I had a little chat with the commissioner to upgrade/transform the commission into an Artpack artwork.

That never happened before in a double context:
It is the first time, that I transform a commission into an artwork for an Artpack.
And it is the first time, that an Artpack continues with characters, that have been in an Artpack before. In my opinion the Max x Legion artwork in the July 2020 Artpacks is great. And this new artwork showing them both will be great, too.
Maximilian is in the locker room right aside the showers, where the Legion awaits daddy Max.  ;3
And some text
This month I am really having issues with my drawing progress. There was a terrible heat wave for weeks, I am feeling constantly ill and tired and unmotivated. It's a diabolic combo of different things that slow me down and make me lose interest in many artworks I created. For example that motor bike in the Days Gone artwork: Just by thinking about all the details and shading of all those metal, technical objects my mood switches into total refusal.
And there still is the Corona pandemic going on, where the virus actually is the main problem, but meanwhile social riots are approaching. In my case in Germany people silently begin to sort themselves into good Germans and bad Germans. And solidarity, what is considered as one of Germanys biggest social achievements is breaking apart.
Seriously I do not feel any solidarity when I stay at home to slow down the virus and other bad Germans do vacations and parties and after that, their Corona test is paid by the public health insurance.
In general I prefer to not mention any political or social things, because I consider my art as a distraction from reality. A pleasant escape from all those daily life issues.
It just feels harder to follow this path this month, than it does usually.

That said the Max and Legion artwork kinda pushes me out of my bad mood and I feel the need to trust in things that cheer me up these days.
And the next Artpacks will release as planned.




The sketch really looks so nice, I'm so impatient to see the final result. These two artworks complement each other so well. If I wouldn't have known, I would have thought that the two artworks are part of the same project ^^ These Max artworks are really making me horny :3. Let's hope that the temperatures will decrease, it will only do good. Not sure about where you live, but from my side the temperatures dropped to a way more bearable level the past two weeks and we have some rain forecasted. Take the time you need to make the artworks and most importantly; take care of yourself. I'm sure most of us would agree that we'd rather have you take longer to make the artworks than seeing you force yourself to draw something you don't feel or like anymore :)

greeneyedwolfking (edited)

Comment edits

2022-02-01 06:30:05 Thank you very much! <3 The temperatures reached automn mode, which is very pleasant. I can finally focus again while working. And I am not stuck on my tablet anymore due to sweat. I also appreciate your concern. I really do. Nevertheless I try to follow my schedule, because I would feel bad if I lack behind too much. ^^;
2020-08-30 15:36:30 Thank you very much! <3 The temperatures reached automn mode, which is very pleasant. I can finally focus again while working. And I am not stuck on my tablet anymore due to sweat. I also appreciate your concern. I really do. Nevertheless I try to follow my schedule, because I would feel bad if I lack behind too much. ^^;

Thank you very much! <3 The temperatures reached automn mode, which is very pleasant. I can finally focus again while working. And I am not stuck on my tablet anymore due to sweat. I also appreciate your concern. I really do. Nevertheless I try to follow my schedule, because I would feel bad if I lack behind too much. ^^;

Joseph (edited)

Comment edits

2022-02-01 06:30:05 It's great to see more of Legion and Daddy Max &lt;3 Really hope the weather there got better, and take your time with drawings! Here been very hot but we finally got at least a bit of rain these last days to help settle the weather a bit.
2020-09-27 02:37:32 It's great to see more of Legion and Daddy Max <3 Really hope the weather there got better, and take your time with drawings! Here been very hot but we finally got at least a bit of rain these last days to help settle the weather a bit.

It's great to see more of Legion and Daddy Max <3 Really hope the weather there got better, and take your time with drawings! Here been very hot but we finally got at least a bit of rain these last days to help settle the weather a bit.