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Lion Man's artwork has several variations. His armor can be removed until he is completely nude. Right now an animator is creating an interactive flash file for Lion Man.

I received a message on FurAffinity from Nyhm, who created the x-ray file for my OC Baelohr. Some might remember this little special.
He has financial issues due to the Corona epidemic. To support him I ordered a commission.
The animation/flash file for Lion Man will show breathing animation, blinking eyes, dialogue and by clicking on (certain) body areas the armor will disappear (with a magic effect, because the player will have magical powers). The final part will show a messy version.

I hope all my wishes will work, if not I am also fine, because I want to support Nyhm and being picky is no support.
To support him further I will share the animation with public to get the biggest attention as possible.  As a side effect this will also advertize for myself.

The best part is, that everyone will profit from this plan. You gonna get an animation, Nyhm can advertize, I can advertize and I am doing something good, too.
And your Artpacks still contain 4 exclusive artworks as always, because I finished 5 artworks this month, because of the double winners in the Furry poll.



Joseph (edited)

Comment edits

2022-02-01 06:30:37 That's awesome you supporting other artists! <3 Lion Man looks great! Really looking foward to the animation~
2020-07-06 02:33:10 That's awesome you supporting other artists! <3 Lion Man looks great! Really looking foward to the animation~

That's awesome you supporting other artists! <3 Lion Man looks great! Really looking foward to the animation~


I am affected by the Corona epidemic, but not as much as others and I as long as I can I will support others. Thank you :) I already saw a test version of the animation and it was nice. It reminded me of Humplex animations in the past.