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(This Journal is accessable for all tiers - because I want to get you all into the RE fan mood)
In this Journal I will share my spontaneous thoughts about the RE8 trailer:

I also have a guess about the location.

Resident Evil 8: Village will take place in a European village surrounded by forests and overseen by a big castle.
I love castles and I love that RE returns to Europe, because I consider the setting of RE4 in Spain as one of the best of the whole series. There was also a village and a castle.

The trailer shows a few locations of the new area

I love that "fancyness" finally returns. For me RE always combined beautiful mansions/castles with horror. Places that are noble, but dangerous and filled with secrets. 

And I love winter and snow so this location is directly my favourite. I consider summer as the most boring season, where people are all outside making noise, being annoying from June to August. One day I might live somewhere in Canada I guess to reduce summer to a minimum. Or another country with a short summer. Although I have little interest in learning a Scandinavian language.

But back to Resident Evil 8.
And what I do not like that much.
Ethan and Mia return. Both are on my "I really don't care about you" list and I hoped that they would die in RE7, but they disapopinted me and survived to be back in RE8.
In my opinion Zoe and her uncle Joe were the cool characters in RE7.
So in RE8 Ethan will be the main character again an the gameplay will be first person again.
I do not like first person games. There is just some hands visible and I constantly feel like a dwarf, because the camera levitates a few centimeters above the ground.
And I have no sexy man to stare at while playing.

But the best part of the trailer is Chris Redfield who is back and beefy and not ugly anymore. He looked so bad in RE7. Now he is a beefy daddy and people started guessing what his role might be.

I can also imagine that the guy with the hat is Carlos Oliveira.

Or Ardyn from Final Fantasy XV. Just kidding.

And there seem to be werewolfish enemies, what I would consider as very cool.

When I see this guy. I don't think "whooo scary", my brain says: "He is kinda hot and look at that hairy chest!". C'mon mad guy be my sexy, scary boyfriend and together we can wander the forests of Romania.

I think the story takes place in Romania.
There is an area in Romania which has been the home of German settlers for centuries.
They founded towns and villages. In German we call their home "Siebenbürgen", but there is another name you will definately know. It is "Transsilvania"
It seems like Germans have a talent for being involved with supernatural stuff. In this case it is Dracula and werewolves. 

Have a look at the castle from the trailer. It instantly reminded me of a place I know and which I showed in another Kings Journal.

The Reichsburg Cochem, a castle located at the Moselle river in Germany.

Of course there are other similar gothic castles, but the trailer reminds me of this one a bit.
There is also an interesting connection to this area in Germany and Transsilvania.
The settlers originally came from here. People from Moselle and Rhineland went to Romania 900 years ago. That means I could have very distant relatives in Romania.
So thanks to Resident Evil 8 you and me learned something about Transsilvania and German settlers.

Well, that were my thoughts on RE8.
I hope Chris will survive or maybe he is an evil clone and in the comments you can tell me your opinion about the trailer or your guess about the story and location.
Since the E3 is cancelled this year I still hope for more game trailers to be released this month.
And I kinda think about drawing beefy Chris together with a werewolf man...

Thanks for reading :)





Joshua Woofter

I got the distinct RE4 vibe from the trailer as well. It gave me goosebumps! 4 is my favorite, followed by 7, so the combination has me tingling!


RE4 is also my favourite. It combines horror and action the best. I also like RE5 and 0. But the atmosphere was very good in RE7 so I put my trust in the Village.

Joshua Woofter

5 was too actiony for my taste, just not enough dread built up. 0 was amazing, though!


Indeed, but I played 5 in local coop with a friend and that was a lot of fun. I wish Billy would return one day.


Really looking foward for the game! I think your theory and idea of where the game might be is definitely correct, also, these pics of the real places amazing, the one with the fog is fantastic! I really hope Chris don't die or turn full villain in the game (if even is the real Chris), buut also would be cool if he get Were infected and then cured but retained some powers or traits of it, kinda like Sherry, where she still have the super fast healing. Lets see what the game will bring~ :3


Me too! Just today I read an article in a game magazine, where they also guessed that Transilvania will be the location. The fog on the photo comes from the river. Cold air remains low above the ground while the mountains are warmer. Like two layers above each other. Chris could become Super Chris - that would explain how can punch boulders. xD