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In the Puppy Poll you determine the artwork, that will be inside your Puppy Artpack.
Each participant receives an indivual Artpack based on his/her choice.
Your chosen artwork contains all variations (if there are any).
Puppy patrons who do not vote receive the artwork with the most votes.
The Puppy Artpack also contains previous and new comic pages.

Only one response possible
Poll end: Saturday 6th June 2020 13:00 German time.

Note: Once I am done with all Assassin's for the Allstars artwork I will share a complete folder of that art project with all tiers. So if you can wait until the day of completition you can vote for another artwork in this poll.

King Shark and John Constantine

Panthro's dream


Axel Stone and the Commissioner



Me acabo de unir, si hubiera sabido antes elegía a Axel Stone :'(


Te envié la obra de arte Axel Stone. Cuando termina una encuesta, simplemente puede escribirme un mensaje sobre qué pintura le gustaría tener :) English: I sent you the Axel Stone artwork. When a poll ended, you can simply write me a message and tell me which artwork you want.