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Xenoblade Chronicles is a great game and I wanted to draw a fanart for public to advertize my art and the game at once. The problem is, that I don't have any spare time due to working on the next Artpacks.
But last night I had a clever idea: Creating an edit of one of my artworks would help me out.
I used Edward Kenway's body, drew a new face, changed some colours, drew a new background and... may I introduce: Dunban.
I like him and although the pose is identical, the content feels fresh.

The best thing is, if people on Twitter will like Dunban they might want to get the Dunban x Reyn artwork I will draw in June. That's advertizing.

Of course I also hope, that you will enjoy Dunban's artwork, too.
His artwork will be part of your next Artpacks as an extra.



Thomas Polk

I would prefer a new body for Dunban but I understand your dilemma.