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Biggs' artwork is a present for a good friend who configured my new PC, when my old one was broken. That actually happened last year, but I hardly had time to work on this "thank you for helping me" pic.

Biggs is a character from Final Fantasy 7. In the Remake he looks very handsome and athletic.

Originally my thank you pic was supposed to be a guy from an anime (some of you might remember the sketch below). But I asked my friend if that wish would still be the same and I proposed Biggs instead. Well, you can see yourself, that Biggs made it. And I really like his slim, but trained body.




The artwork folder including wip, sketches and lineart will be inside the next Artpacks.


My first impression of FFVII was only Rude and Reno but Biggs is also good looking guy :)


Oh yeah, Reeve hot too, say! Andrea is also great character for remake version.


In the German version his name is: Aniyan Kunyan - what is also his name in the Japanese original. I have no clue, why he is called Andrea in English. Each time someone speaks about Andrea I have no clue who that is xD


Really great work! His name definitely is very well chosen,"Big"gs indeed~ XD

Thomas Polk

Biggs is beautiful. I wouldn't mind seeing more of Akihiro, too.