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In the last Kings Journal I told you about my special job: Creating a stage for an opera.
I finished the palace this weekend and the commissioner loves it.
The artworks have a unique look, that imitates classic oil paintings.

To create the final artworks I used my concepts as a basic.
Then I drew clean linearts and colour shapes. Each detail is drawn and some get an extra texture. At last a special render effect transforms the painting into an oil painting.

The oil paint rendering is done by a friend and patron. I am grateful for this assistance, because I do not have the correct program to do it myself.

On art forums one can only see the perfect results and rarely the progress behind the creation. I want to show that art isn't magic, but passionate work. Each step moves an artwork forward. It does not look perfect at the beginning, but it can become something beautiful at the end.

Within the next days I will draw the other elements for the opera stage.
Thank you for your interest.



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