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Lynels are huge, smart and strong beasts who live all across the kingdom of Hyrule.
In the last CC poll a lynel paired with Ganondorf ranked second place.
My plan is to finish the lynel artwork for your next Artpacks and when Nintendo shows some new information about Ganondorf in BOTW2 I will consider adding him to this artwork.




I love to wear the lynel mask and admired those six pack abs

Josh Fitzpatrick

what i wouldnt give to be tied to its belly and taking that cock

Joseph (edited)

Comment edits

2022-02-01 06:31:46 A Lynel!! <3 He is looking great~ and out and proud! x3
2020-03-18 04:11:09 A Lynel!! <3 He is looking great~ and out and proud! x3

A Lynel!! <3 He is looking great~ and out and proud! x3