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This journal shows an overview of my projects for this year.

Radogien's Magic School
Actually I wanted to work on my first game in 2019, but I was so busy, that I had to move the project from one month to the next month and now it is 2020.
This year I want to continue working on the game for real. Creating a beta test version with some early gameplay should be a realistic goal.

What is Radogien's Magic School?
In the game you will be a magic student whose teacher is a sexy dragon. By choosing different dialogue options you will be able to unlock NSFW events. I also plan a gallery with artworks, that can be unlocked by playing the game.

Commission Collab with Waghran
Waghran is a talented writer and we collaborated several times in the past. We created „I am waiting for you“ and „Steamy Trap“. Two erotic stories written by Waghran combined with artworks created by me.
This year we want to create a new story in a science-fiction universe. One OC is created by Waghran and I will create another one.
But this time I will include you in the creation process. There will be polls with several options for the OC's look, species, body and so on. Based on your favourite choices I will create a new OC for this collab.
That will be exciting!

A patron comic
Based on the results of the OC creation (if it works or not) I will consider creating an interactive comic together with you. That means we will create the OCs together and the story, too.
You will be able to suggest and vote what will happen next in the comic.
That could be very interesting.

Puppet Warp?!
I have no clue if that is correct, but someone at Twitter said that this is a software to create 2D animations. I would like to create animations. Either as a single reward or as a part of Radogien's game.
But as I told the suggestor on Twitter already, my time is extremely limited and learning a new program means a loss of time.
Nevertheless I will try to find out more about that software.

My Etsy Shop
I want to open a shop on etsy. For the beginning I will start with selling some SFW gift cards and maybe some clothes. I also want to offer printed versions of my finished comic(s). But I'll have to find a production partner, that agrees with NSFW material.
Etsy delivers products to many countries all around the world so you could get some nice things in the future.

I have a list of commissions to do.
I try to work on them aside the Artpack creation and that's why it takes some time until I am done. Currently I closed my commissions until I finished the ones I have.
There will be some Mass Effect related commissions as well as, Nioh and probably more.

Opera stage
Aside my regular work I received a special commission. I will create the stage for an opera. I am nervous about this job, because I'll have to work with vectors and huge prints, but it is also an honour, because it is for a tournee opera so the stage will be seen in Germany, Switzerland, Austria and Luxembourg.
Fun fact: It will be an opera for children so I will create a colourful SFW fairy-tale town.

Being realistic
I gathered EXP last year and I leveled up to be more realistic regarding my projects. I consider myself as (very) ambitious, but I tend to plan more than I can realize.
I put myself under pressure and actually that is just bad. This year I want to improve my working structure and that's why I won't announce more for now.
Less can be more.

Artpack structure
Being realistic does not mean being boring. Based on your wishlist comments I will improve my Artpacks. As a Bara and Furry artist I will try to include a Furry artwork into each months Artpack. I will also try to include a Bara artwork (big guy, hairy guy), too.

I will write a separate journal about the wishlist results soon, because there have been interesting and inspiring comments.

Finishing old sketches
As you could see yourself in the Artpack poll I have many unfinished gems in my archive. Within the next months I will try to finish some more of them for you.

Well that's it. I probably forgot some things, but I think I mentioned the main projects for this year.
I hope you look forward to these art projects.
It will be a very nice year with nice, new creations.

Thank you for reading. 



Awesome greeny


Awesome! Will be a great year full of content, really exciting!! Good luck and hope everything go well! =D