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My emotional(?!) review  for 2019

Let's have a look on several things I experienced in 2019.
This journal is structured into small parts that focus on different events of 2019.
Warning: I will use strong language in this journal.

Let's begin

The big loss
Some months after the Purge on Tumblr people realized, that most artists did not vanish and most moved to Twitter so they deleted their pledges and I began to shrink.
I lost over 40 patrons just in summer and since I am not one of those huge artists with thousands of supporters I was worried. At first it seemed like I was the only one who lost so many supporters, but now at the end of 2019 I visited several artist's Patreon pages and many also lost supporters.
I would love to know the reason, but I guess it is a consequence of the Purge.
As soon as an artist is not in danger to vanish completely people just stop their support.
That's a bad attitude.

The art trade trap

In summer a person messaged me on Furaffinity. That person asked for permission to draw my original characters. I considered this as a compliment and I agreed. If people like my OCs I am happy. Two weeks later I received a message from the same person and the content was very confusing.
The person told me, that he drew my OCs and added a link and then the person said that this is an art trade and I must draw what he/she wants.
We never spoke about an art trade and I felt tricked. I was pissed, but I did not want trouble so I drew an artwork.

Do you remember that Artpack, where I left a note inside?!
„The artist does not want his art trade pic to be shown“
That was the result of this mess and he/she really forbid me to show his/her artwork.

Later I wondered if this has all been a language and communication problem. Maybe that person lacked vocabulary to tell me, what he/she really wanted and that caused this missunderstanding, but I also think that I created this possibilty to calm myself.

Soon after this unvoluntary art trade I got several messages from other strangers who suddenly wanted art trades with me and I refused them all.
I am convinced, that this „Can I draw your OC“ is a trick to gather free artworks.
Not to mention, that these strangers never liked a single of my artworks, They aren't even my followers/watchers.

Demanding commissioners

I do commissions,but unlike other artists who really advertize this service I do it more or less secretly. First I want to stress, that I have made very good experiences with some commissioners. Aside these kind commissioners, there are also some who are very demanding and talk to me if I would be a dog waiting for commandos. There isn't a single „please“ or „thanks“ in any sentence, it is just a collection of what I have to do.
I am neither a machine nor a slave and I expect to be treated with respect.
In the future I will remind rude commissioners for proper manners or otherwise they can forget about commissioning me.

The „I will wait for the uncensored artwork“ case – Ungrateful Twitter

Yes, that is a quote from Twitter and I was not amused when I read that comment.
I already mentioned my loss of patrons earlier and that comment showed me another reason, than the Purge or people who stop supporting me for a summer vacation.
I shared old, uncensored artworks and that was probably too generous.
Instead of supporting me, some people just sit and wait.
That's why I reduced free artworks for public by around 70%.
Sometimes I miss Tumblr, because it did not feel as ungrateful as Twitter.


Each time someone tells me, that he or she can not afford Patreon I have no clue what I should say. I can never tell if it is the truth or a trick.
But the last time I got a „I can't afford...“ message I send a link that led to my gallery on baraaddiction. There are some old rewards, cropped in size, but uncensored.
I hope that these few uncensored artworks reach those who truly have no money.

A story about manipulation

Do you know, that people try to manipulate me?
Their strategy is simple. Oh Greeneyedwolfking if you would draw character x you would be so popular and many people would become your patrons.
What a cheasy attempt of manipulation. This year someone wanted me to draw All Might a guy from an anime.
And you know what?! I already drew that guy, because of a Commission Chance poll and no one cared. I threw that information in that manipulation-person's face and it felt amazing.

I hate hypes

In November I thought about drawing a Pokemon artwork, but Twitter was flooded with fanarts of Sword and Shield. There was nothing else than Pokemon and that was the moment, when I lost all interest for another artwork.
That hype ruined my excitement. It is so boring, when everyone draws the same stuff.

The end?!

That was my review of 2019 .
It feels like cleaning my mind for a new year.
I am grateful for everyone who supports me.
I enjoy reading your comments. I like your messages and I am always excited what characters will be suggested for a poll and who will win?!

2019 was a good year. I am a bit sad, that I could not realize all my plans but there will be a new year and 2020 will be great. Don't miss the preview for 2020, where I will talk about art projects. The preview will release in early January.

Thanks for reading.




Hey Greeny, thank you for letting know how you're feeling about things through this reflection! Well here is what I think when it comes to this. Firstly, the Tumblr purge was a terrible time for probably every artist on the platform. Tumblr is well at being able to share art and other various images. So, when the great cleansing was announced everyone abondoned ship including myself. But I know the artists who depended on Tumblr for income and just getting their stuff out there suffered the most of all.


This is multiple parts I should have said that front the beginning sorry! When it comes to art trades and things like that, I personally I have never done one but with what you said that is so fucked up how they tricked you just to get free art. Also, never let anyone decide how much you should charge for your art honey. Your art is amazing and it probably takes you awhile to do put together the wonderful packs you do. So, never belittle your work!


Okay, when it comes to the pricing situation to your patreon, please never feel bad or that you owe us anything because it's okay! I've honestly thought about getting rid of all the people I support on patreon but thats is mostly my own situation in life. I'm in college with no job at the moment but I'm still trying to make things work so I can support my favorite creators on here because I love each and every one of you and your beautiful artwork.


Lastly, I'd say this year was a great year and I've loved every art pack I've received from you! So thank you for everything! I'm looking forward to what you make next year! (sorry if their are any spelling mistakes, I'm using mobile :P ) Best wishes, ABW


Thanks for sharing this with us Greeny! It's really interesting to know somethings you've been through and see more of the artist point of view of things that happen, It's not all happiness and flowers, and yummy dicks, It's a lot of work and dealing with a lot of diferent people (that one of the art trade.. oh my god...). The Twitter community does seem diferent of how it was on Tumblr, both have the good and the bad, but yeah I notice a lot of artists loosing support after The Purge.... I hope 2020 bring a lot of great things to you, a lot of nice and great commissioners, and more and more supporters!! 2019 was amazing, you did fantastic artworks, comics, etc. And I really look foward to what 2020 will bring!! Big and tight hugs to you!! Have a Happy New Year!! =D


Hi ABW, I am glad, that you appreciate my reflection of 2019. The Purge has a long aftermath. The only funny thing was that sinking Titanic meme with Tumblr and Twitter. But actually it was all a big mess. The Bara community fell apart and most artists are on a single survivor trip. I hope you are doing well at least.


No worries. I enjoy reading comments :) I would recommend you to do an art trade with friends only. Being tricked feels terrible and I lost time - time I needed to draw or work on my projects. Well, regarding my pricing I think I have a fair system. There is no use to change it for people who don't want to pay me anyway. And thank you for the compliment! It really takes quite some time to create an Artpack, but when I receive nice feedback like yours it always worth the effort.


Well, I support some artists on Patreon, too and I had to delete my pledges for some, because they created nothing while they took my money. I know what you want to say with "never feel like you owe us anything", but I think you deserve a reward for supporting me. When I was in college and later during my studies I also constantly lacked money, although I had a job so I kinda understand how you feel. After those years I have become an artist and I want to do my job well. I am motivated and your kind words increase my motivation even more to continue creating beautiful artworks.


Thanks a lot Daniel! I have very nice ideas for the new year and I am pretty sure you will like them (a lot)! :) And do not worry about spelling mistakes. English isn't my first language so I will hardly notice :P PS: I hope you will have a nice and successful time in college!


You're welcome. Some patrons were a bit surprised about this negative review, but they also consider it as interesting. A look back on all the mess that happened can be educating. In 2020 I want to focus on my projects (more details in a journal) and thank you for your kind and motivating words. I hope they become true and I will be able to welcome many new supporters this year. :) Big tight hugs to you, too!! ^w^ And a Happy New Year!