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Alex is my husbando in Stardew Valley. Actually I wanted to marry Sebastian, but Alex' background story convinced me, that he needs a home - a bit more than Sebastian.
I also received very positive feedback for drawing SV guys so I think about drawing a gym situation where Alex could have a workout together with Shane and Sebastian.

Artwork from November 2018




I JUST married Alex in my game, I’m ready for any and all Alex related content you bless us with 😍


Congratulations! Kiss the groom ^^ And thank you for the motivating words!! I already think about nice poses :)

Joseph (edited)

Comment edits

2022-02-01 06:32:47 Ahh Alex.... <3 Oh yeah, always happy to see more SV works, specially of these boys together~<3
2019-12-21 04:05:33 Ahh Alex.... <3 Oh yeah, always happy to see more SV works, specially of these boys together~<3

Ahh Alex.... <3 Oh yeah, always happy to see more SV works, specially of these boys together~<3