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In this journal I will introduce my favourite starter of each Pokemon generation.
And I will shortly talk about two hot men I remember clearly thanks to their sexy appearance.

Let's Go Pika... Patrons  - here are the starters.

Gen 1
Blastoise – Squirtle

I played Pokemon Blue on my Gameboy Original and Squirtle was my first Starter.
Charizard and Venusaur are both cool and especially Charizard seems to be very popular, but there is something inside me, that considers Blastoise as my partner Pokemon.

Gen 2

I can not decide between Feraligator (water) and Typhlosion (fire).
I still prefer water types for some unknown reason, but when I played PKMN Silver first I chose Meganium the grass type and I really regretted that after a while, but I did not create a new save file, because all progress I made would have been lost.

 I was an unhappy boy, that now as adult hopes for a „Let's Go Johto“ for the Switch to choose either the fire or water Starter.

Gen 3

I played Emerald, Sapphire and Sapphire (again) so I chose all three starters once.
And my absolute favourite is Mudkip, that evolves into Swampert, that mega-evolves into beefy Mega-Swampert. I love him. He is a water hunk something.
I love gen 3 and Team Aqua, but I will come back to this later regarding the sexy men.

Gen 4

I never played the gen 4 games, because I did not own a DS so no Pokemon for me. Judging by the looks I do not like these starters, but I would choose Infernape.

Gen 5

I missed that gen for the same reason. No DS.
But I like these starters except for that green snake. The boar is kinda cool and my absolute favourite is the otter. It is so cute and the evolution is based on a samurai. I only wish, that Samurott would stand on two legs, but I like his beard.

Gen 6

I played this gen and the starters are amazing. The concepts are so good, that it is a real challenge to choose one. The PKMN are based on a knight, a mage and a ninja (thief):
classic roleplay classes. I chose Chesnaught, the grass knight, because he is big and beefy, but I also like Greninja.

Gen 7

The starters are also great. This time we have a wrestling tiger, a Robin Hood inspired owl and a singer seal. There are also very nice concept arts showing Incineroar, Decidueye and Primarena. I appreciate that Primarena has a clear feminine look, because I think, that while I want masculine Pokemon other people want feminine starters.
My absolute favourite from all starters so far is Incineroar. He is a cute Litten (tiny fire cat) and evolves into a hunky tiger. I love felines so, that choice was clear for me.

Gen 8

A bunny, a monkey and a chameleon.
Unfortunately there is no concept art available so far, that shows the traits and personalities of the starters, what I love about gen 6 and 7.
I chose Grookey, who evoled into Rillaboom and he is among of my favourite starters. A big gorilla that plays a drum is nice and he has a mane like a lion.
I also gave him a nickname: I call him Joey.

I also want to say, that I do not like Inteleon that much. It looks kinda boring and I expected more from a secret agent concept.
But the worst is definately Cinderace for me, because it looks like a child in a bunny costume.

The sexy guys
Pokemon also has sexy men (sometimes) and I remember two guys very well.
Archie from team Aqua is Bara and his muscles shine through his tight swim suit. He is my favourite villain so far.

The other hot guy is Professor Kukui from the Alola region. I like him, because he is sexy and he wears his shirt open and he is relaxed and he is just so much cooler than all the other profs, that you never see again after they gave you a starter Pokemon.
But during your journey through Alola you can meet Kukui several times and he is part of the main story. Not to mention, that he is a famous wrestler called Mask Royal, but he keeps his wrestling identity a secret.

I hope you enjoyed reading this journal.
I also hope, that you will tell me what your favourite starters are? Use the comment section and tell me, what you love or dislike about them.
And do not forget, that my opinion is just my opinion and it is absolutely fine, if you like other Pokemon than I do.

PS: Do not miss this commission sketch showing Archie and Kukui

PPS: Do not forget the Chinese Zodiac calender, because it determines the fire starters.



Joseph (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-13 17:19:30 Gen 1 my absolute favorite will always be Blastoise, he is just perfect to me <3 Gen 2 I love Feraligatr, he is super cool, but I also like Typhlosion, both have great designs Gen 3 Mudkip foreveeeer <3 Emerald was the first game I played, and I went with Mudkip, and I loved everything about him, when I saw Swampert, I was soo happy, he is fantastic, and then with the remakes, the Mega is sooo cool, he is one of my favorites pokemons ever! Gen 4 I actually always went with Empoleon because of my "Going with water type" but I really like Infernape and Torterra, on the remakes, I wanna give them a chance and get them to my team. Gen 5 is another of with favorites of mine, Emboar is suuuper cool to me, and Samurrot is amazing, I love this design, I played with him on both games and was amazing, super cool Pokémon <3 Gen 6 was the plotwist, first time Grass starter xD Chesnaught was super cute, I like his concept and design, and I had fun with a different starter on my team :3 Gen 7 another plotwist, went now with the fire type, because I LOVE Incinerooooarrr~<3 He is just perfect, a big wrestling tiger? Yess! Gen 8 again, I didn't went with water starter xD I went with Grookie, and I really really enjoy Rillaboom too, awesome idea for a Pokemon, and I like his energetic but friendly attitude~ :3 For the Pokemen, definitely Archie and Kukui are on my favorites list they are super sexyy! And OMG that pic, it been so long since you did it, It's soo great to see those two together <3 <3 There are others super hot too, like some gym leaders and E4, like Bruno, Chuck, Crasher Wake, etc. But Archie and Kukui are definitely special :3
2019-12-04 04:03:58 Gen 1 my absolute favorite will always be Blastoise, he is just perfect to me <3 Gen 2 I love Feraligatr, he is super cool, but I also like Typhlosion, both have great designs Gen 3 Mudkip foreveeeer <3 Emerald was the first game I played, and I went with Mudkip, and I loved everything about him, when I saw Swampert, I was soo happy, he is fantastic, and then with the remakes, the Mega is sooo cool, he is one of my favorites pokemons ever! Gen 4 I actually always went with Empoleon because of my "Going with water type" but I really like Infernape and Torterra, on the remakes, I wanna give them a chance and get them to my team. Gen 5 is another of with favorites of mine, Emboar is suuuper cool to me, and Samurrot is amazing, I love this design, I played with him on both games and was amazing, super cool Pokémon <3 Gen 6 was the plotwist, first time Grass starter xD Chesnaught was super cute, I like his concept and design, and I had fun with a different starter on my team :3 Gen 7 another plotwist, went now with the fire type, because I LOVE Incinerooooarrr~<3 He is just perfect, a big wrestling tiger? Yess! Gen 8 again, I didn't went with water starter xD I went with Grookie, and I really really enjoy Rillaboom too, awesome idea for a Pokemon, and I like his energetic but friendly attitude~ :3 For the Pokemen, definitely Archie and Kukui are on my favorites list they are super sexyy! And OMG that pic, it been so long since you did it, It's soo great to see those two together <3 <3 There are others super hot too, like some gym leaders and E4, like Bruno, Chuck, Crasher Wake, etc. But Archie and Kukui are definitely special :3

Gen 1 my absolute favorite will always be Blastoise, he is just perfect to me <3 Gen 2 I love Feraligatr, he is super cool, but I also like Typhlosion, both have great designs Gen 3 Mudkip foreveeeer <3 Emerald was the first game I played, and I went with Mudkip, and I loved everything about him, when I saw Swampert, I was soo happy, he is fantastic, and then with the remakes, the Mega is sooo cool, he is one of my favorites pokemons ever! Gen 4 I actually always went with Empoleon because of my "Going with water type" but I really like Infernape and Torterra, on the remakes, I wanna give them a chance and get them to my team. Gen 5 is another of with favorites of mine, Emboar is suuuper cool to me, and Samurrot is amazing, I love this design, I played with him on both games and was amazing, super cool Pokémon <3 Gen 6 was the plotwist, first time Grass starter xD Chesnaught was super cute, I like his concept and design, and I had fun with a different starter on my team :3 Gen 7 another plotwist, went now with the fire type, because I LOVE Incinerooooarrr~<3 He is just perfect, a big wrestling tiger? Yess! Gen 8 again, I didn't went with water starter xD I went with Grookie, and I really really enjoy Rillaboom too, awesome idea for a Pokemon, and I like his energetic but friendly attitude~ :3 For the Pokemen, definitely Archie and Kukui are on my favorites list they are super sexyy! And OMG that pic, it been so long since you did it, It's soo great to see those two together <3 <3 There are others super hot too, like some gym leaders and E4, like Bruno, Chuck, Crasher Wake, etc. But Archie and Kukui are definitely special :3


Thank you for your nice comment! :) So you also tend to choose the water starter, but when the grass or fire type evolves into the sexiest you change your mind, too - just like me xD lol Mega-Swampert remains one of my all time favourite Pokemon. I wished that Sobble would have been the bara one this time, but it isn't. Do you remember that dragon type trainer with the white beard? He is also sexy.


Ahhh Drayden~&lt;3 One of the big daddy gym leaders, love him :3