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One of my favourite months of the year is ahead: October aka Orctober or Inktober.
The month of Halloween, Indian Summer, harvest and golden trees.

And here is the preview for this charming month.
(I had to move some projects, because I lost quite a lot of time in September due to my broken PC)

Sketches, wip and fully coloured:

Nathan Drake ( + full beard version)
Detective Dick Gumshoe
Joel - TLOU Part 2
A guy from Assassin's Creed (I could not decide yet)
new comic pages

Radogien's Magic School: character introduction
50th issue of Kings Journal! - a special topic awaits you

Previous rewards:

Bayek of Siwa
John Marston
Geralt, Radovid and Roche
Shane (Stardew Valley)

Art trade with Gigan (at Twitter):
Ike and Skrimir by Gigan - Dedue and Dimitri by me

Halloween art special (together with other artists)

That's it.
Please remember: This is a preview and nothing is set in stone.




If you're doing Assassin's Creed I vote for Ezio, the assassin SO SEXY he got two games! Although the best body probably belongs to Alexios.


October is always a great month to look foward, there is always a lot of great events during it! :3 A lot is comming up I see, definitely a Gold October! And I agree, "Impalement" is a really interesting name to use hahaha!