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I can finally present some details about my game: Radogien's Magic School

This is a special issue of Kings Journal about the game.
I will explain each concept page shown above.
This is so exciting, so let's get started directly.

Opening scene concept
Radogien's Magic School will begin with a short opening scene, that explains some important events of the past shortly. The text will be shown together with illustrations inspired by medieval art.
Here is an example of medieval art:

It will look very beautiful once I am done (at least I hope so). I also recommend you to read my notes on the concept art page, because you can read the story already to get an idea of Radogien's world.

Naschkatze Castle
The game takes place in Naschkatze Castle. The castle is located far away from any settlement on a cliff at a mountain.
It looks like a charming town, that was squeezed together to a single building.
It is a happy and colourful castle inspired by traditional German architecture.
In the game you will be able to learn more about the building and some of it's secrets.
Naschkatze Castle is also the home of Wolftian Raureif, Jean Rafael and his adoptive brother.

Radogien Pharos - The main character
Radogien Pharos name is based on Polish and Greek. It means happy fire lighthouse.
Radogien is an old dragon and master of magic. He is very tall, even in his human form and he teaches selected students about magic, history, potions and species.
Radogien is neither a teacher nor is there any school located at Naschkatze Castle.
But why is the game called "Radogien's Magic School", when there is no school?
Well, while playing you will get the chance to learn much more about Radogien's personality together with his magic student (another main character) and then you will know, why or who calls it a school.

At this point do not miss to touch Radogien's beefy pecs. He can be a bit grumpy sometimes, but he is an a playful mood today - so this is your chance!

Creating a game is a huge project. Especially, when you are a single person.
That's why I asked my good friend Waghran for assistance.
He is a skilled fiction writer and we worked together several times in the past.
We created a story for a fair in Paris (France), "I waited for you" for FFXV and other specials.
Waghran will assist me with the dialogues and the software.
He also created two short test games with my art already. I tested them myself.
So I can ensure you, that we will try our best to create a nice official game together.

In the next issue about Radogien's Magic School I will introduce the characters.
So far there a 5 ones. Each one will have a playable route and these routes will unlock SFW and NSFW events in the game. There will be routes for both interests: Bara and Furry.
More details will await you in part 2 of game development: Radogien's Magic School.

Thank you for your support and interest.
You make this game development possible.

Your Greeny




Ohhhh my 👀❤️👍🏼

Joseph (edited)

Comment edits

2022-02-01 06:34:11 Yayy!!! <3 <3 Really can't wait to play it~ :3 Will be great to see more of the story, Radogien personality and of course, more of his body~ *also touch beefy dragon pecs* <3
2019-09-04 14:51:08 Yayy!!! <3 <3 Really can't wait to play it~ :3 Will be great to see more of the story, Radogien personality and of course, more of his body~ *also touch beefy dragon pecs* <3

Yayy!!! <3 <3 Really can't wait to play it~ :3 Will be great to see more of the story, Radogien personality and of course, more of his body~ *also touch beefy dragon pecs* <3