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In this journal I will talk about my favourite games from the E3, what I disliked and what I think about the E3 in general.

My faves

Breath of the Wild 2

I love Breath of the Wild and the short teaser about a sequel was my absolute highlight of the whole E3. My favourite Zelda character - Ganondorf - might finally return and I hope he will be sexy and not just some mummy. There already was a person at Twitter, that tried to ruin my joy, but he or she totally failed. Ganondorf will be back, Breath of the Wild returns and I am happy.

Astral Chain

I watched all Nintendo treehouse events and although I still do not fully understand what this game will be about I kinda like it. I like the graphics, it seems interesting so I might get it.
Police combined with robots and some magic, dark universe stuff... yeah, Astral Chain has my attention.

Trials of Mana

This is the biggest surprise of the treehouse event. Trials of Mana was never released in Europe and they created a remake, that looks beautiful and there is a blonde werewolf as a main character. I love the Secret of Mana games so I will definately buy this one.
Nintendo also released all classic Mana titles in a collection for the Switch.

Pokemon Sword and Shield

Pokemon has been announced before the E3, but I am a fan and I will get the game.
I also do not understand, why some fans are upset, because you can not transfer all old Pokemon into the new game.
Seriously If I play a NEW game I want to play with NEW Pokemon and I know, what I say, because I am 31 years old and I experienced each Pokemon generation myself from Gameboy Original Red and Blue until today. And I also bet, that there are thousands of trolls, that only waited for a shitstorm to attack and troll Gamefreak motivated by ungrateful fans.
If you are pissed now or drowned in nostalgia feel free to take your Gameboy Original and play some Pokemon Blue with those funny sprites.
In my childhood I was grateful to be able to play a videogame and attacking creators this harsh is a shame.
I want each one of those critics to create their own game first before they start criticizing others. And I think time is used much better in creating new games than rendering 800 old Pokemon for months.
Well, that's it with my rant xD

Cyberpunk 2077

My other absolute favourite of the E3 is Cyberpunk 2077. It looks so amazing and refreshing and CD Project Red is one of the best game developers around.
The main character V is involved in some underground/criminal activities and he (or she) has to fight to survive. But V isn't alone, because in a precious digital chip resides some kind of ghost comrade/assisstant portrayed by Keanu Reeves. At least that is what I know so far. Could be wrong though ^^;
And in one older interview the developers mentioned, that the main character can be undressed completely and they are modelled completely. Finally the Barbie and Ken body horror will end. Yes for nude V like weener in the future.
And I have to admit, that Cyberpunk Keanu looks hot.

FF7 Remake

I never had a PS1, so I played FF7 a bit at a friends house, but next year I can play the remake myself and it looks nice. Well, I never liked Cloud and Sephiroth (too girly for my taste), but Tifa and Barret look nice and Biggs is kinda cute.

Nevertheless I am worried about the game, because it will only be a first episode and Square seems to be badly organized for years and I am not sure if they will ever manage to really fully remake FF7.

And there will be a FF8 remaster released. I gonna play that, because no PS1 as a boy... You know. That also reminds me of drawing a sexy Squall one day. Anyone interested?

The E3 is outdated

Not only my milestone goals are outdated. The E3 is outdated, too imao.
A huge event with selected audiences, that cheer for each small crumb like switch the light on and off. Wow amazing -_-
But seriously those big stage events to show some trailers only seem outdated and not worth for any visitor to spend hours waiting in the heat of L.A..

In the past the E3 showed much more gameplay, so that gamers could see more details and real content of the presented software. The only company that showed gameplay for public was Nintendo and with their Direct and some treehouse showcases they somehow captured the spirit of a good conference better, than the other companies who only made big noise with little content.
It was a nice surprise, that Keanu Reeves was at the Cyberpunk 2077 showcase, but after 2 minutes he was already gone and to be honest I forgot the rest of Microsofts presentation. It was trivial and the rambling about a new console was about filling time, with offering only vague informations.

The worst conference was held by Ubisoft. It was extremely boring and monotone with one shooter after another and I can only quote and support the words of a friend, who watched the show together with me: "This whole presentation feels like a long commercial to join the army."
Ubisoft is a master when it comes to milking licenses to the limit, but this year they reached a dark point. And even if the Watchdogs Legion trailer had some fun moments with an old lady kicking some butts Ubisoft's conference felt lustless at the end.
And before I forget: Watching that dancing game part was worse than watching a whole Eurovision Song Contest!

My opinion

I think most developers keep their newest or best creations a secret to show them at an online event to get the full attention and the full spotlight. At the E3 companies have to share attention with many others and the Nintendo Direct has proofed, that a big convention is not needed to inform fans about the latest inventions and progress.
Why should I travel to L.A. when I can see the same content online and play a demo afterwards without waiting?! In the early 2000s the E3 was a good event and a stage for everyone to shine, but today it lacks this shine and people seem to have enough of it somehow.

I do not mind if the E3 vanishes one day. I want to see honest game trailers and honest gameplay. No big show or fireworks needed. Just games created with passion and love.
And while some gave up the E3 this year Cyberpunk 2077 and Nintendo shined even brighter for me as the few good examples, that make effort always, everywhere.
And Square was ok.
But I think the concept of the E3 must be reconsidered. It is not up to date.

At last I want to thank each developer for everything they showed. I did not like much to be honest, but I appreciate, that I had the opportunity to watch the conferences.

Did you watch some conferences?
What games do you look forward to?
Is the E3 outdated?

Tell me in the comments.




There are a lot of interesting games announced and I'm looking foward to them! Specially Cyberpunk and Pokémon! The continuation of BotW will be great and can't wait to see Ganondorf there!! Astral Chain also got my attention. About the Pokémon situation, I agree with you. While I understand why some fans are upset with the situation, It's easy to see that some people are just hating because they wanna hate, and now every little detail they complaining about what to me is really stupid and unnecessary, the bigger problem is always that people let their imagination hype them too much, them this happens, and there are even some really disgusting things appearing, like now after all this hate suddenly a new account on Twitter is making claimings that Matsuda (the leader of the Pokémon team currently) had sex with no concent with a worker, and some really dark and crazy stuff, It's just a game and people are trying to ruin the man's life, because of something so small that is the change of the Pokedex. I think Sword/Shield is gonna be great I see a lot of positive stuff on the gameplay, and even with some problems or situations, people saying "The game is horrible" just with one trailer, and are declaring this because of the Dex situation, It's just stupid... FF7 remake the episode thing is kinda weird, I agree, but I do think the game will be good, specially on the gameplay side, since they basically will do the FF15 style, but now they can see what was good and what was bad and apply the necessary changes, so on that point, I'm not worried. And looks like the game is going to be biiiig, I read somewhere something about being in 2 discs. XD And I TOTALLY agree with the E3 being outdated, It really don't have the impact it had before, specially because most of the entreprises there really show nothing, just make hype over nothing, and all the cheering and screaming on most time looks sooo fake and out of time, like people were paid to do that lol. They definitely need to change or add new interesting things, but that most depend of the enterprises wanting that. What I think is funny is that a lot of people said Nintendo was stupid to do their own program to show stuff (The Nintendo Direct) and kinda don't care about E3, and now people are finally seeying that Nintendo was the smart one, and even Sony is trying to copy her style of giving News now. xD Lets see if on the future they make it more interesting, but I doubt it really haha


Thank you for your comment Joseph. I enjoyed reading it. From a creator's point of view I can not understand the hate against the Pokemon Company and those Twitter accounts, that only exist to harm and shame others should be banned. Destruction and hate should not be rewarded with likes or followers. It is very easy to attack and criticize, but it is very hard to create. The fake applause during the E3 kinda triggered me. Was it fake? Was it real? I don't know. But I did not like it. Cheering like a maniac for a teaser seems a bit too much. I think the E3 will vanish within the next years and companies will follow Nintendo's Direct strategy to advertize independently from any fairs.