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In Kings Journal I write about games, original characters, Bara topics and places I visited.
This is issue 2 about „Husbandos“. The word husbando comes from the Japanese pronounciation of the English word „husband“. The term is used to describe someones perfect man, a crush or idol. 

Geralt of Rivia 

 I neither played „The Witcher“ nor „The Witcher 2“. I did not know about both games and suddenly after an E3 I saw the trailer for a game called „The Witcher 3 – Wild Hunt“ and I knew I had to get it. For me it is the best fantasy game I have ever played and finished (several times).
Geralt of Rivia is originally a human, but after his birth he was given to the „Wolfschool“, a castle, where young boys are educated to become monster hunters, professionals in fighting, hunting, potions and magic – in short: A Witcher. But learning ain't all and the boys have to survive the trial of herbs. A painful ritual, that transform the human body and that kills most individuals. During the trial of herbs Geralt's hair turned white. It also changes human eyes to cat-like ones, it extends life, the senses become much better, strength and speed increase and it makes the body immune to several potions and poisons, that would kill a human.
Some also say the trial erases emotions. A proven side effect is infertility. 

So what do I like about Geralt of Rivia. I love his look. The long white hair, the beard, the amber cat eyes, his pale skin covered with scars, his athletic body, that is not beefy, but well defined. I like that he is not emotional. He has emotions and he shows them, but you have to be attentive.
Another reason why I love him is his age. He is over 90 years old, of course he looks like a man in his late 50's, but there are rarely any older main characters in games, what I consider as a huge pity, because on older, mature character can tell much more stories than a young one. A mature man can react differently. 

It is a pleasure to watch a hot daddy doing quests and I am annoyed of all those games, where I am a 10 year old boy or teenager always – finally grow up Pokemon and JRPGs!
Geralts universe is a mature fantasy world based on central European folklore, the world is rough, without anime slapstick or Disney kitsch. I love it, because it reminds me of the original German fairy tales and the Slavic fairy tale movies I watched in my childhood.
Playing as Geralt feels like home and he is my idol for growing older and being sexy.
I also have the official wolf medallion. My only „jewelry“ aside my crown jewels. (got it?!)


Did you play „The Last Of Us“? No?! Shame on you, because it is a brilliant game and like the Witcher you have to experience this game yourself and not by watching videos online.
I will not go into detail about the story, because I want to talk about the main character Joel. He is the daddy of daddies and a pioneer of creating games with older males as the main character. His hair is salt and pepper gray, his eyes are green and he has a full beard. Joel is handsome and he can sing. His dream was to become a musician, but his life went different and he is a survivor in a world with danger behind each corner.

I replayed „The Last Of Us“ many times. I think it is the game I replayed the most in my gaming biography. I completed the easy, normal, hard, very hard, survivor mode and I am inside the hotel part in the hardest difficulty. Believe me it is hard as hell.

Joel is my husbando, because I love his look and (grumpy) personality. He is strict and rough, sad and kinda broken due to his past, but also strong, strong-minded and caring. He has many qualities of a true dad.
Joel also motivated me to grow a full beard. With my dark hair and green eyes I have good chances to become a Joel myself within the next 20 years.
Gladiolus Amicitia

When I watch a game trailer I always look for the hottest guys imao. In FFXV it is Gladiolus who I like the most. He is tall, he has a beard, he has two nice haircuts and he has muscles and a nice big tattoo of an eagle. Kinda shallow I know. But Gladio (nickname) is also a nice guy. He cares for his friends, he is protective, he has humour and he likes cup noodles. In one DLC Gladio becomes a playable character. He fights with a big sword and it is much fun to deal big controlled damage compared to the rather vague fighting system in the main story. Gladio is a faithful companion. He is the big, beefy, handsome best friend I would love to have in real life. Although I would prefer him as my husbando.

Gladiolus also reminds me of a general issue I have in many RPG games:
Side characters are hotter than the main character and the beefy guy is not allowed to be the main-main character. Imagine Gladio would be the king's son in FFXV instead of weak, lazy Noctis who has an advanced "hobo skill tree" by nature. The story would be different, probably better, because I think Gladio would try to save the kingdom for the people and his friends from the beginning. His traits and energy would push the story forward and for me as the player it would be more comfortable to follow and consider him as a king.

Honestly I have never thought about Gladio as a king theory before (it popped up my mind while writing), but I think it is an stimulating end for this husbandos edition.

Thank you for reading.
Do you know the guys above? Do you have husbandos, too?
Don't be shy and tell me in the comments. I look forward to your reply.




Gladio is amazing pick, and he reason I picked up ff15 in the first place, his DLC is my fav


Gladio was my selling point for FF15, too. And his DLC is also my fave (although I also like Promptos).


Promptos dlc actually made me love him, b4 that was never a fan of he character


I appreciate his photos. Hoping for a nice butt or bulge pic at the end of the day was my horny daydream in FFXV.


Joel will always and forever be my favorite character. The amount of times I have cum thinking of him


Joel is the reason why I have a beard. There are a few older pics of Joel in my archive and I think about drawing him again. https://www.patreon.com/greeneyedwolfking/posts?tag=joel PS: One of the links in a post expired.