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I recreated the poll. Now multiple answer should be possible.

Poll end: 6th May 2019 18:00 German time

In this poll you can vote for your favourite "skin" for Jesse while he interacts with Hanzo. We all know what interact means ;)
So Hanzo will do a headstand Y-pose with spread legs and you can choose between several options for Jesse's look.
You have 3 responses. Example:
1 for the "skin"
1 for clothed or nude or partly nude
1 for wearing a hat or not wearing a hat
Of course you can alternatively use your responses to vote for "skins" only or whatever you want, just do not vote for more than 3 things, because otherwise (4 responses or more) your choices become invalid.

Here we go:

Cowboy Jesse

Sherlock Jesse

Lifeguard Jesse

Riverboat Jesse


Joseph (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-13 17:30:52 Of course Jesse base style is fantastic, but they did later a lot of great skins too <3 On the start was kinda slow, but then was a big hit after hit with Baywatch, Sherlock, Demon Hunter, etc etc. And again, Yay for McCree interacting with Hanzo~ ;)
2019-05-04 15:01:04 Of course Jesse base style is fantastic, but they did later a lot of great skins too <3 On the start was kinda slow, but then was a big hit after hit with Baywatch, Sherlock, Demon Hunter, etc etc. And again, Yay for McCree interacting with Hanzo~ ;)

Of course Jesse base style is fantastic, but they did later a lot of great skins too <3 On the start was kinda slow, but then was a big hit after hit with Baywatch, Sherlock, Demon Hunter, etc etc. And again, Yay for McCree interacting with Hanzo~ ;)


I have definately a fave... or faves ^^; But I can not tell them now, because of the poll, but maybe after we have the results.