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This is a commission showing Farkas and Vilkas from Skyrim.
To be honest it is a bit outside of my usual "drawing range",at least I did not draw that kind of BDSM before, but for gaining experience it is okay.

I do not withold any creations from you so if the content is too hard for you simply pretend you have never seen it and watch my other images.



Mike Bond

Looks kinky as hell, more please ;)


-fans self- oh myyyyy <3


Well, I do not mind drawing more BDSM. Once at Tumblr someone said my art is "vanilla" and I felt kinda offended. xD The truth is, that I actually fear to scare my supporters with "harder" content.

Mike Bond

I love the "harder" bit haha won't frighten me away ;) although worth a try, love a challenge


That's the spirit! ^^ I think about BDSM scenes in my comics and maybe some polls to find out what my patrons want to see.


This was really hot. It may be rarely done but it looks great. Maybe softcore bondage sometimes would be a nice change. It certainly looks hot.


Thank you. I have to edit some things for the commissioner, but it is good to know, that BDSM is appreciated.


Really good work! It's kinky and interesting to see. :3 BDSM will definitely please some fans hahaha, even if some are not deep into it, I don't think they will have a problem. Me for example, I am not a BDSM meeega enthusiast (but I do enjoy some stuff in it), but I also can enjoy the different and kinky pics you might be able to do! And is good to practice new drawing ideas!


Thanks Joseph. BDSM is indeed very diverse. Some stuff is nice to watch while other content might not hit your preferences.