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Unaware bees
You have to be an adult of legal age to consume adult material or to have sex. In the latest Commission Chance poll Shazam won, but as I found out today he is a minor and regarding a result of 27% of all votes most of you didn't know either.
The rules
My rules are clear: No minors. Shazam is disqualified and the poll must be repeated.
Never simply suggest characters for my polls you saw somewhere else, where artists and people do not care about the law.
Why is character X possible and others are not?
I can draw characters as adults of legal age like for example Matt from Digimon or Ben 10.000. That's why a character like Danny Phantom can participate in my polls. If he should win I would draw him clearly visual as an adult.
With Shazam it does not work, because he remains a boy even if he transforms into an adult man. His age does not change. If I would draw Shazam people could speculate about his age and this is a no-go area for me.  

At least I understand now, why Shazam was drawn in a class room writing a test on that comic cover. I thought he is just stupid and that image should stress that fact.
But he is only boy and can not participate in my polls.

For all voters who like that beefy, dark hair type of guy with blue eyes:
There are Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent and both are of legal age.



Josh Fitzpatrick

I'm so glad you made this post. A lot of other artists I know wouldn't hesitate to draw him anyway. Thank you.

Wayne Szalinski

did not expect that kind of a problem.


The phrasing is the problem. An adult Billy Batson (Shazams human self) is ok, but "only" Shazam means a 9-15 year old boy and that is against my rules. No minors.


I appreciate your support in this case. Thank you. I know that some artists do not care about this topic.

Rev Seo

I mean, actually, Shazam refers to the like 1000 year-old wizard. The boy/man superhero is Captain Marvel, so technically the old man won


A wizard that uses the power of several gods and a Captain whose name irritates another comic company. I doubt you would really want to see a wrinkly 1000 year old "mummy".


I just saw about this on the other post and yeah this is definitely complicated if he is a kid because can be interpreted on a lot of ways, some people might just see the adult guy there, but others can remember that is a kid transformed. I never saw much about him, the only thing I remember is a scene of a comic I saw, it was like, Superman taking his powers off him and he became a really old guy, so at the time I imagined he had powers that let he stay a young strong adult forever but never got into looking about it. It can be interpreted a lot of ways to draw him on his Shazam form, so I definitely understand and respect your response about this topic!


You got the point: The interpretation of age is the dilemma. I could say he is 25 or 39, but without any text file or if people do not read the age it can become a debate easily. Regarding the original character I have to consider - we all have to consider - that only the body transforms to a grown up , but the brain is the one of a child.