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In Kings Journal I write about games, original characters, Bara topics and places I visited.
This issue is about „Husbandos“. The word husbando comes from the Japanese pronounciation of the English word „husband“. The term is used to describe someones perfect man, a crush or idol. It was first used within the anime fan community, but the word became more popular and is used for favourite male characters in videogames, anime and other media like movies, TV shows and comics, today. 

Let me show you four of my first husbandos.
I activated my brain to remember some of my first crushes long before those were called „husbando“ and believe me, that one is embarassing for me.

Koji Matsuda
Koji is a main character in a fighting game for the PS1 called „Ehrgeiz“.
He is in his 30s and he is an archeologist who brawls against monsters and people in dungeons. Aside his job he punches characters from Final Fantasy 7 and other fighters you have probably never heard of.

I saw Koji at a friends house first. She had a PS1 and the game and after I checked the printed manual (anyone here remembers those printed, nice manuals inside game boxes in the past?) I made the decision to play with Koji. He looks tall. He has muscles, some stubble and due to his job he might be kinda smart. Not to mention his daddy look.

I had a good time with Koji although I never played "Ehrgeiz" since then again.

Muarim is a Laguz. A beast human, that can transform into an animal. He is a former slave and fights for justice and freedom in Fire Emblem Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn.
The Fire Emblem games always have Bara characters, but big Muarim with his long green hair and amber eyes caught my interest and he was always in my team and I gave him all status boost items I had.

Muarim also takes care of a human boy and you can unlock special conversations between Muarim and other party members.
He does a muscle and strength comparison with Largo.

He talks about slavery and independence with Lethe.
And my favourite: He shares personal details of his past with Zihark a sword fighter who once loved a female Laguz.

The relationship between Muarim and Zihark is the most interesting, because Zihark looks for close contact to Muarim and the way they talk to each other made feel, that they would make a cute couple.
So in my mind I „shipped“ them.

Remus Lupin (no pictures on purpose)
Now it becomes a bit embarrassing, because one of my husbandos was a „Harry Potter“ character. Remus is a werewolf and he teaches Defense against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts in the third volume of the novels. I was around 13 years old when I first read the book and I always loved werewolves and that teacher seemed like someone who needs a friend. In the books Remus was smart and kind, but also hurt often due to his nightlife as a werewolf at full moon. It was a time, where I wanted to go to Hogwarts and I absorbed so many details of the magical world, that having a husbando there was actually obvious.
I had a rough image of Remus look in my mind. Handsome, a bit wild with scars on his skin, but that moment, when I watched „The Prisoner of Azkaban“ movie and I saw Remus the husbando time immediately ended. It was a clean cut and it was over. I really like the movie and the actors did a great job. Nevertheless my imagination of Remus Lupin was destroyed. It neither hurt me nor was I sad. I accepted that a movie replaced my own fantasy. Not all husbando crushes have a Happy Ending.

Billy Coen
Resident Evil Zero was the first game I could buy legally at the age of 16 shortly after my birthday. Billy is a lieutnant in the army and sentenced to death for a crime he did not commit. He is cynical, but caring and together with Rebecca Chambers he discovers the origin of the virus Outbreak in the Resident Evil timeline.

Billy is Bara with big muscles and he wears a tank top. His skin his pale, his hair is dark and his eyes are gray. I like the male Snow-White look.
Billy also has a higher resistance against damage compared to Rebecca so I usually let him walk through the dark, scary, but also fancy corridors of the Resident Evil Zero locations. 

Billy can also play the piano. 

I had a crush on him and I wanted to have muscles like him so I trained regularly, but I did not achieve any results worth mentioning except losing weight, what is horrible, when you are slim and try to gain weight. 

After Resident Evil Zero Billy was never seen again in any other RE game, what I consider a huge pity, because he is one of the interesting characters in the franchise and I would love to see him again in either a remake of Zero, what could be a great co-op multiplayer or a new RE game. On the other hand Rebecca and Billy were spared from the debatable character development in RE5 and 6 and redesigns in 7. I like Bara Chris, but especially the females became walking make-up dolls with boobs. Do you know Jessica from RE Revelations? I won't say more.

But I saved a bit of Billy even if he won't appear in Resident Evil again. I created an original character to express my tribute to Resident Evil (I played nearly all games myself) and as a tribute of a crush of my past.
Both intentions are united in Sebastian Roivas.

Well Sebastian ain't Billy and Billy ain't Sebastian. I differ strictly between both characters. It started as a tribute to a "husbando spirit" and developed freely afterwards.

Of course I have more husbandos or let's say I had more husbandos, because the example of Remus Lupin shows, that even husbandos are not made to last forever and preferences can change.
In the next issue of „Kings Journal: Husbandos II“ I will tell you about a crush, that made me grow a full beard and the second issue will also contain a critical confrontation with the husbando and waifu phenomen.

Until then you could leave me comment about one of your husbandos?
Did you ever had one or do you feel embarrassed about some?

I hope you enjoyed this Kings Journal. Thank you for reading.




Quite memorable characters. You have a good taste.


Oh man those are some good picks. I have a few Husbandos myself: my forever top 3 being: James Vega, being the first character I fell in love with and my idol perfect man, plus my favorite game series. Barrett Wallace, he was funny and down to earth family man, and he never left my team. And the Iron bull, was a powerhouse and worked well with my character, plus his jokes was on pur with mine lol.


Thanks ^^ I think you have some nice all-time favourites. James Vega from Mass Effect is super hot. Same goes for Barrett and the Iron Bull. You could suggest them for a Commission Chance ;)


Awesome husbandos! Some I know for a time or discovered recently (and share my crush on them XD) and some are interesting to discover here! :3 Wow to think of husbandos I had/have lets see... I guess Weregarurumon was one of my first ones XD At the time I was really young and had no malice of course, but I just really loved him, which was interesting because years later I discovered about Furries, etc. Some others would be Wakka from FFX (and later some others characters from there haha), Iron Bull, Bigby, Monkey from Enslaved, and some others characters that slipped my mind right now hahaha! If I remember some more will say on the next Husbando journal! And more recent would definitely be original characters like yours! I definitely have some crushes on them, and Sebastian is one of my top favorites X3 His design with his character, his story with his father and the ideia of being a Werewolf detective really got me~ :3 There are a lot of great husbandos out there hahaha! Also, what you said about printed manuals, omg I miss those! XD I always enjoyed to take a look at them and give it some read, was fun.


Thanks. I really discovered my husbandos, when I thought about my past. It was not like I really was aware of them all the time. Weregarurumon is very nice and Leomon and I also rather lately learned about the Furry community. I had a little crush on Auron from FFX, although I only had a magazine showing a pic of him and not the game. ^^; The next Journal will contain new husbandos and I look forward to read about yours. That my OCs are among your husbandos is a big compliment. It makes me happy and encourages me to work more with them. If I might ever have game I will release at least a digital manual with pictures and details.