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Hello patrons of all tiers,
Patreon is going to adjust their service to creators needs.
When I read about changes at Patreon I am attentive.
The most important information at first:
Nothing changes.
According to Patreon new service options will be only for creators that create an account at Patreon after May 2019. Older creators remain within the regular service.

Patreons latest idea is to divide their service into three different tiers for creators. Those tiers influence the fee on patrons donations and the fee a creator has to pay for using Patreon.
Originally those fees were identical for each amount of donation, but with the changes the fees will vary, but as Patreon stresses there are no changes for you, no for me, only for new creators.
Long time creators and their patrons will not experience any changes.

I write this post, because I read messages and questions at Twitter about this topic and some people already started spreading panic, anger and hate regarding Patreons adjustments.
Please do not believe in panic speech coming from people whose main interest is clickbait or attention.



Thanks! I didn't saw anything about this yet but It's good to know of already in case I see any post making panic about this News.


So far this information is actually for creators, but it probably won't take long until the first "offended" voices rise.