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This journal is an interview with the Big Bad Wolf or short Bigby Wolf.
Make yourself comfortable in your stone house and listen what Mr. Wolf has to say.

Once upon a time...

"Mr. Wolf you are a very famous fable. Could you tell us something about your fairy tales, please?"

"Well, once upon a time in the German fables kingdom The Hesse, I was starving and there was a little girl wearing a red cap and she had a basket full of food and she had a grandmother. So I ate the grandmother, the girl and the food and took a nap in a bed. The bed was comfy. Yeah... and while I slept then the woodsman cut my stomach open, freed the old woman and the girl and then he filled my stomach with stones and when I woke up I was thirsty, went to a river and due to weight of the stones I fell into it and the others thought I drowned."

"But you didn't".

"No, I can hold my breath pretty long."

"Because you are the son of the North Wind?!"


"Wanna tell us something about your father?"


"Eh... okay. What about your other fairy tales?

"I ate seven little goats and it was pretty much the same like with the girl and her grandmother. I was cut open, the goats were freed, I got filled with stones and I fell into a well and did not drown. What a shitty day.
But I also had some fun, when I met Colin and his brothers. Those lazy, fat pigs.
Okay only two were lazy and built some cheasy houses. One of straw and one of wood. So I took a deep breath and blew those shitholes of houses away. Unfortunately the third pig built a house of stone, probably magical, because I was not able to destroy it.
*short pause*
If I had known, that Colin the pig would sneak into my apartment regularly to make me feel guilty abut his house and my "appetite" in the past I think I should have eaten him before any of those houses were built." *smiles* 

Sheriff of Fabletown

"You are truly charming. Is that the reason why you became the sheriff of Fabletown?"

"Snow White made me the sheriff due to my skills: My superior senses like smelling and hearing. Tracking people and so on."

"One quick question: I saw you smoking. Doesn't the smoke weaken your senses?

"Sure, that's why I smoke. Big cities are full of stench. Cigarettes help me to cover some odors I don't want to smell. Actually I am non-smoker."

"I see. So back to your job. You are able to transform on will aren't you?

"Snow White cut me with a magic knife. Since that day I am able to transform into a human. I tried some human stuff like shaving my face, but it doesn't work for me, because my body hair grows fast and I see no reason to look perfect like some arrogant prince.
When I get into trouble a shaven face won't save me. In such a case I transform into a half-human and my strength increases a lot. My teeth grow sharper, my hands become stronger like claws. I can kick some asses and I did.

When I am in danger I transform into a werewolf. I become much bigger and also even stronger.

And when things get serious - I mean - really serious I transform into a huge wolf and kick your ass.

"That's impressive! I guess it is obvious why you are the sheriff, but what do other Fables think about you in that position regarding your past?"

"I don't care. I guess... You know it ain't easy to take of all these Fables and I try to be less bad than I was in the past. Some people trust me, others are scared, some are neutral.
There are people who come into my office looking for help and I am the sheriff so I will help."

"So you're not as bad as everyones says you are."

*no reply, Mr. Wolf looks thoughtful*

"At last our listeners would love to know what happens to your clothes when you transform?"

"They grow tight or tear apart."

"Then you are nude."

"Yeah. I mean I grew up nude so it ain't a big deal for me. I kinda like it"

"I guess our listeners will like that, too."

And I guess the listeners know, that's why the Magic Mirror is not open to the public.
It is used for mischief and kinks mostly.

"Sigh. *whispers* pity...
Well, thank you very much for the interview Mr. Wolf and a "happy ending" to our listeners.
And don't forget to visit Bigby Wolfs office, when you need the sheriffs help."

Bonus: The Wolf and the Magic Mirror


Greenys afterword

There are wiki entries about Bigby Wolf, there are watchmojo shitrankings and videos about nearly everything and some read the Fables comics, played The Wolf Among Us...
In short I saw no reason to copy any of those existing articles. I simply thought "Hey, what if you don't know Bigby" so I wrote an interview with some character details, some humour and easter eggs.
Personally I am a (big) fan of Bigby and I recommend playing The Wolf Among Us. The story is very exciting and deals with mature issues and - yeah play it yourself. ^^

If you enjoyed the journal or you want to tell Mr. Wolf something -  leave a comment. :3




This post made me track down the image of Bigby's full frontal nude, which in turn led me to read the graphic novel Fables: Werewolves of the Heartland. Interesting read, sadly not what I was hoping for. I disliked how they misused and wasted Frankenstein's creature in that story. All the gorgeous artwork and male frontal nudity made it worth picking up, at least. Thank you, Greeneyedwolfking, for sending me on this quest. :3


I read Werewolves of the Heartland, too (online scans). It was not magical at all. While Nazis make good villains in the Indiana Jones movies, they feel kinda displaced in this Fables issue and at many pages I did not understand the dramaturgy. For example when Bigby is holding hands with that blond girl if they were a loving couple. What did I miss???! Or when another character commits suicice for no reason. There are many plot holes. As a German (and I am familiar with my home countries history) I also think, that the creator of this issue did not fully understand the ideology of the Nazis or he was afraid to really deal with it. No matter what the answer is the content of this comic is not satisfying. _______________ There is one fun fact about Frankensteins Castle, because it is the same one I presented in a Kings Journal at Halloween.

Joseph (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-13 17:38:17 Ahh another journal I knew I was missing! >w< But I read it now!! Fantastic journal Greeny! Really enjoyed the interview take you did haha! I really enjoy how they made the Big Bad Wolf lore bigger and I got to understand more of him on the game, how he wanted to grow big to be strong and don't let anyone hurt him like his father did to his mother. Also the ideas of because of North Wind beying his mother is were his powers come from is really awesome and the information why he smokes is really cool! I really enjoy the take they did on Bigby for many reasons, lore-wise was really awesome to see this more full version of his character, and not just him, a lot others really! And, well, because he is freaking HOT! XD I love his design soo much, and his transformations are really cool. And yay for Bigby that enjoy being naked~ <3 I did not got to read the Fables comic stories (I heard they are interesting, but I didn't go after it), but I did play his game A LOT and was a really fun game for a lot of reasons, story, characters, hot wolf protagonist, etc~ hahahaha~ The Wolf Among Us is an awesome game! :3
2019-04-10 03:33:49 Ahh another journal I knew I was missing! >w< But I read it now!! Fantastic journal Greeny! Really enjoyed the interview take you did haha! I really enjoy how they made the Big Bad Wolf lore bigger and I got to understand more of him on the game, how he wanted to grow big to be strong and don't let anyone hurt him like his father did to his mother. Also the ideas of because of North Wind beying his mother is were his powers come from is really awesome and the information why he smokes is really cool! I really enjoy the take they did on Bigby for many reasons, lore-wise was really awesome to see this more full version of his character, and not just him, a lot others really! And, well, because he is freaking HOT! XD I love his design soo much, and his transformations are really cool. And yay for Bigby that enjoy being naked~ <3 I did not got to read the Fables comic stories (I heard they are interesting, but I didn't go after it), but I did play his game A LOT and was a really fun game for a lot of reasons, story, characters, hot wolf protagonist, etc~ hahahaha~ The Wolf Among Us is an awesome game! :3

Ahh another journal I knew I was missing! >w< But I read it now!! Fantastic journal Greeny! Really enjoyed the interview take you did haha! I really enjoy how they made the Big Bad Wolf lore bigger and I got to understand more of him on the game, how he wanted to grow big to be strong and don't let anyone hurt him like his father did to his mother. Also the ideas of because of North Wind beying his mother is were his powers come from is really awesome and the information why he smokes is really cool! I really enjoy the take they did on Bigby for many reasons, lore-wise was really awesome to see this more full version of his character, and not just him, a lot others really! And, well, because he is freaking HOT! XD I love his design soo much, and his transformations are really cool. And yay for Bigby that enjoy being naked~ <3 I did not got to read the Fables comic stories (I heard they are interesting, but I didn't go after it), but I did play his game A LOT and was a really fun game for a lot of reasons, story, characters, hot wolf protagonist, etc~ hahahaha~ The Wolf Among Us is an awesome game! :3


Thanks ^^ The interview technique is quite fun and helpful, especially to make a text more vivid. Regarding Bigby I am still a bit sad, that there won't be a new season of TWAU.