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Phew... January passes quickly and it was full with the regular January stuff (at least for me):
- Time pressure: Due to the holidays in December I tend to be in a delay with work each year.
- New years depression: Instead of making good resolutions for a new year my brain recaps the past one and creates a preview for the new one and the result is usually a huge dissatisfaction about nearly everything (one exception is my creative work). The whole emotional shit  rollercoaster takes around one or two weeks and then I turn back into normal.
Honestly I hope no one of you gets a free ticket for that bad rollercoaster.
Just think about that photograph you could buy at the end of the ride showing your depressive self... *lol* and then you gonna buy it, put it in your flat, where visitors can see it and everyone will be like "Oh shit, did you see that ugly photograph!"
Fortunately I have lots of dark humour that cheers me up.
And double fortunately I have a nice preview of projects for the next month.

Coming in February
Geralt of Rivia

commission chance winner and pose: Geralt as a prostitute (sketch, wip, coloured)

Bigby Wolf (planned for January moves to February)

pose: Bigby on his couch fapping. Image with variations - human and half human version (muscle and beard growth), plus messy extra variation for the werewolf tier

Arthur Morgan (probably)

pose: not yet determined

Lt. Surge (wip)

<code>Radogien Pharos(OC) - concept overhaul to make him more dragon-ish</code><code></code><code></code><code>Warrior and Roegadyns (wip)</code>

Previous rewards releases:
- Commander John Shepard
- Olgierd von Everec
- Geralt of Rivia and Radovid V.
- Baelohr the demon

Commission chance poll
participants so far - Bigby Wolf and Nick Reyes (more to come)

Kings Journal - Resident Evil 2 remake

Ben 10.000 (sketch)

I also want to draw the guys bodies more accurate to the original to avoid a Bara and more Bara vicious circle, that ends in hyper-muscle and lacks the opportunity to stress body differences. I also think, that the (really) big muscles work better for furry characters and that the diversity between athletic males and beefy males make the whole thing more exciting and probably more erotic.

So maybe I made an art resolution for the new year.  :3
That's it for now.
- Greeny ^w^




Winter can be a difficult time for me as well, and I understand what you mean about it being difficult to not doubt the year ahead. But really... If I spend time really going through all my accomplishments each year, they are rarely outweighed by the negative parts. :) I'm *really* excited to see the body proportions be mixed up some!! I like your work a lot (obviously), but lately I've personally been enjoying more realistic/grounded body shapes. 😆 This year is gonna rock!


Hey Greeny, I too know the burden of depression and low motivation but I'm glad that you suffer for only a short time. I really like that you'll be doing a sketch of Ben 10,000 in the future and regarding the muscle proportions, I'm excited to see what you produce. I hope you have a great and happy 2019!


I think we use the same or at least a similar strategy to reach balance. Sometimes I feel like Rey in Star Wars, when she is attracted by that black hole on the island. It calls for her, she enters it, but there is nothing satisfying inside. That's probably my personal point of view on that scene, but I really like it. :) Besides there are better holes to enter. xD That's a cheap joke... Anyway. Geralt and Bigby make good a start for drawing grounded body shapes and I totally support you: This year is gonna rock! ^w^


Hi Incrediblelair, maybe you follow Jagnots advice and focus on all the accomplishments you are proud of, that make you happy. Each one counts. It always helps me. For example, that you are a patron. You support artists and make art prosper. That's a big deal you should be proud of. :) Ben received a lot of votes in the poll and I think it will be nice to draw him. (I also watched Ben 10) And we gonna have a great,happy 2019 together :)


Aww, you are a ray of sunshine!


Hi, I never really comment here but now i have to :) I hope you will have a great year, as for me i already have because I look at all these plans of yours and i already like them a lot! keep being happy and keep drawing because you are talented :) If you feel down just remember you have a reat community of followers to share with, not just drawings but feelings too (P.S. your Olgierd works are my favourite, upcoming months will be a treat) :)


Hi Andras, reading your nice comment I think you should write some more often. :) I look forward to share my new creations with you and I really appreciate our kind community here at Patreon as well as my followers in general. :)

Joseph (edited)

Comment edits

2022-02-01 06:37:13 Hello Greeny! I understand what you mean, I kinda do this of "what I should have done last year" and "what will I be able to do this next one", and this can put me on a bit of a depressive mood for sometime too... But It's important to we look the positive sides and stay thinking of the good we did and that we gonna do! =) You did amazing works last year and I can garantee this one will be fantastic!!! &lt;3 Looking foward to see all the new stuff you gonna do! And really excited to see your work more with this new idea and style of male bodies! I'm sure you will have a great 2019!! =D
2019-02-11 01:55:07 Hello Greeny! I understand what you mean, I kinda do this of "what I should have done last year" and "what will I be able to do this next one", and this can put me on a bit of a depressive mood for sometime too... But It's important to we look the positive sides and stay thinking of the good we did and that we gonna do! =) You did amazing works last year and I can garantee this one will be fantastic!!! <3 Looking foward to see all the new stuff you gonna do! And really excited to see your work more with this new idea and style of male bodies! I'm sure you will have a great 2019!! =D

Hello Greeny! I understand what you mean, I kinda do this of "what I should have done last year" and "what will I be able to do this next one", and this can put me on a bit of a depressive mood for sometime too... But It's important to we look the positive sides and stay thinking of the good we did and that we gonna do! =) You did amazing works last year and I can garantee this one will be fantastic!!! <3 Looking foward to see all the new stuff you gonna do! And really excited to see your work more with this new idea and style of male bodies! I'm sure you will have a great 2019!! =D