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Ocarina of Time - according to fans it is the best Zelda title. Well, I think Breath of the Wild is the best Zelda - although it is a pity that we never see Ganondorf.
I played OoT after the Wind Waker and it was nice, but I never replayed it.
I think OoT is also the first time, that we see Ganondorf and not just Ganon.

Ganondorf = human
Ganon = demonic boar




Daddy Ganondorf could plough me any day of the week.


I really need to play more Zelda games, I kinda know most of them but I just played part of Ocarina of Time and played all of The Minish Cap (that by the way is such a great GBA game), but what I do know is that Ganondorf is a really cool and hot character~ XD


i loved looking at his bulge in super smash bros melee pause the screen and share at it