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What if they would all spend a night or more in a hotel.  :3
There is so much going on, but fortunately Prompto takes nice pictures for the group.

This was an ongoing picture. I started with Gladio and Prompto, then I added Cor and then I added the other three guys. I also remember, that I put big effort in drawing that fancy hotel room.
Last December the image became a christmas special and all guys wore christmas hats.
That image is also in my archive here at Patreon.




With all the controversy about the game right now, it’s always good to remember, all the guys are hot as hell lol.


I just heard about the cancelled episodes. It is a pity, that the game has to face so many problems while it has the potential for a really good game - it just can't fully unfold. But the guys are hot as hell - that's a fact. ^^ I wish Cor was a full member of my party.

Joseph (edited)

Comment edits

2022-02-01 06:39:25 This picture is one of my favorite +18 work of FFXV <3 And If I recall well was also one of the first ones I saw hahaha XD I love how you had even Dave there, I really like the character but he don't get much love. Yeah like said by Ty there, It's good to remember the hot characters in the game after all the cancelations, etc... I hope they learned from it and work better on the next FFs, It's sad to think of the mistreatment of FFXV.. =/ But still is one of my favorite games really, I enjoyed it a lot, and it was the creation of a lot of sexy and hot guys <3
2018-11-24 13:24:05 This picture is one of my favorite +18 work of FFXV <3 And If I recall well was also one of the first ones I saw hahaha XD I love how you had even Dave there, I really like the character but he don't get much love. Yeah like said by Ty there, It's good to remember the hot characters in the game after all the cancelations, etc... I hope they learned from it and work better on the next FFs, It's sad to think of the mistreatment of FFXV.. =/ But still is one of my favorite games really, I enjoyed it a lot, and it was the creation of a lot of sexy and hot guys <3

This picture is one of my favorite +18 work of FFXV <3 And If I recall well was also one of the first ones I saw hahaha XD I love how you had even Dave there, I really like the character but he don't get much love. Yeah like said by Ty there, It's good to remember the hot characters in the game after all the cancelations, etc... I hope they learned from it and work better on the next FFs, It's sad to think of the mistreatment of FFXV.. =/ But still is one of my favorite games really, I enjoyed it a lot, and it was the creation of a lot of sexy and hot guys <3


I guess they should find some distance from the idea of using the FF franchise as a money printing machine. Those games especially FFXV have such a good potential, but it is not fully used or lost in companies conflicts. I think there is still not much FFXV Bara art around and guys like Dave rarely have a chance to be drawn. I recently re-found my Noctis and Regis pics in my archive. I think I will re-release them soon.