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Warning: This Journal contains spoilers

Since last Friday I am playing Assassin's Creed Odyssey each day and I am still at the beginning of the game, because there is so much to explore and to do.
In this journal I want to show you some screenshots I took, some romances I found and why I think, that you need to play this game too. 

Before you start playing you can choose between Alexios or Kassandra and a game difficulty.
I chose Alexios, of course. He lives on a small island in antique Greece with a huge Zeus statue with nice balls to climb. 

Alexios is the most gorgeous assassin I have seen so far in the whole franchise and he also has the most vivid facial expressions compared to previous titles characters. It is a lot of fun to watch his behaviour and reactions during quests. For the first time you can choose between answers and change the story, what makes AC Odyssey a real rpg. You can find armors for your feet, arms, head, waist and torso and combine and upgrade them. There are levels and you gain exp to level up and you can collect iron, wood and other materials to upgrade your equipment or your ship.

But not only Alexios is beautiful: Greece is amazing and you can explore it all, either by feet, riding a horse or sailing with your ship. Each island has a unique environment and you can hunt animals like boars and bears. 

At some locations you can find pretty nude statues of all kinds and paintings of nude men. Greece is a paradise for admirers of the male body. Ubisoft did a great job to create nice males, who are handsome, kinda rough, hairy and Alexios also received a load of humour, what makes him double adorable. 

And Alexios has the butt of a god and you can see it as much as you want to. I watch his butt, when he dives underwater or performs a jump. His bulge is also very nice.
It is a huge progress in gaming history, that males finally have real anatomy and are not as flat as a sheet of paper in their pants anymore. 

Aside this anatomy progress Ubisoft also enters a new great path regarding sexuality. Finally you can play a gay, bi or straight character in a popular and famous franchise.
Gay romance is possible in other games too, like Skyrim, Mass Effect, Dragon Age or Fallout, but although those are all famous games I think Assassin's Creed is more famous (in my opinion) and reaches a bigger audience.

That audience can meet nice guys to date like Lykaon. He is a healer and you can meet him during some quests and once you helped him - you can help him in a special way. He literally will tell you, that he needs you. Kiss me hairy, bearded, hot Greek man. <3 

So far the romance scenes are only hinted by a hug and kiss and the screen becomes dark. That is a pity, when you know the romance scenes in Mass Effect or Dragon Age. But the romances are still a lot of fun, because you can have a lot of them and each dialogue is cute or very funny for example when you meet very horny men. 

Just right before I wrote this journal I met a blacksmith - a very horny old man who needed some plants to make his "spear" work. xD
I was a kind man and collected those flowers and gave them to daddy. xD
And after we had sex I told his son that I made has father scream - but not in pain. ;)
His son was shocked and me - I mean Alexios made this super proud "I fucked your dad" face.

What a precious moment and so funny!

I really recommend you Assassin's Creed Odyssey, because it combines the best parts of all previous titles. The amazing nature and freedom from ACIII plus the islands and cool ship fights from AC4 - even better! The story telling is brilliant and very exciting and Odyssey follows the mature atmossphere of Origins. The series has grown up and got rid of those "popcorn villains" of older titles who were never a threat.
You can date different characters and enjoy cute or funny romances, while you chase mercenaries and a mysterious group. The best part is, this time side quests help you to unmask hidden enemies. Each quest you complete really helps you.
By the way you are also a mercenary and you can hire others for your ships crew.

Visit Greece and meet all those hot (hairy) men, that inspire me to create more Alexios art.
I think playing that game makes me horny. ^^;




So far the best review I've read. ^^




I’m glad that you’re enjoying the game so far! I too am disappointed by the lackluster romances—I wish they were longer and had more depth and plot significance. However, I hope that the game developers learn from this and make the romances better in the next game. And I agree: the game visuals are absolutely stunning 😍


I also hope, that the romances will become more important in later titles. I can deal with only one or two nice gay romances instead of douzens of one night stands. Bit I am still grateful, that I can enjoy same sex romance in ACO. ^^


I'm playing the game too, still on the start but loving it also, the details on everything on the world are amazing so far, the naked statues, the characters, etc, are all really great! And I agree, Alexios is amazingly hot, they did a great work on him, and I actually got charmed with his facial expressions, funny reactions, voice acting and just him in general I think. XD And good to know I'm not the only one that looked his butt and bulge while he is swimming, I mean come on It's right there on our faces! And it is a very nice bulge. Hahaha! Also he kinda remind me of Gladio from FFXV, his face and some manerisms remember me of him (and got me thinking on some hot scenes those two could engage~)

greeneyedwolfking (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-13 17:50:53 *Stops watching Alexios butt and bulge for a moment* Alexios could be the genetic fusion of Gladio and Geralt of Rivia adding some hairyness of uncle Bigby Wolf and tada: Alexios is created. :3 I really love his hairstyle with those golden pearls. &lt;3
2018-10-13 11:39:30 *Stops watching Alexios butt and bulge for a moment* Alexios could be the genetic fusion of Gladio and Geralt of Rivia adding some hairyness of uncle Bigby Wolf and tada: Alexios is created. :3 I really love his hairstyle with those golden pearls. <3

*Stops watching Alexios butt and bulge for a moment* Alexios could be the genetic fusion of Gladio and Geralt of Rivia adding some hairyness of uncle Bigby Wolf and tada: Alexios is created. :3 I really love his hairstyle with those golden pearls. <3