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In Kings Journal I write about Bara, art, places I visited (for example castles) and this issue is a about music and a club I founded.

I married a singer
Music takes a big role in my daily life, although I can hardly play a flute (not the flute you might think about) nor can I sing.
But together with my husband I founded a club for all kinds of music, from classic to baroque to romance and modern music.
Everybody who wants to sing and learn is welcome.
It is a choir for everyone.

What I do
I create posters, flyers and texts for our projects and I am the guy who takes care of our website and who does the lighting for our performances.
(the image above shows a poster I created, showing the title only, without the text and dates - there is a king at the lake)

During a year we have several concerts.
Last year we performed "Dido and Aeneas" a baroque opera and this year we performed a Renaissance concert with music from different European countries.

Music for you
If you are interested in listening to some Renaissance songs we recorded live at our last concert you can download a selection here:

Song titles and some explanations

"Ach hertes Herz" by Jacob Regnart 1576 - Germany
A song about a cold, hallous hearted person.

"Das Geläut zu Speyer" by Ludwig Senfl 1486-1542  - Germany
An amazing song, that imitates the ringing of a cathedrals bells, while each singer sings different lyrics at the same time and only the "Kling, Klang" sound of the bells connects them.

"Drop drop slow tears" by Orlando Gibbons 1583-1625 - England

"Es hett ein Biedermann ein Weib" by Ludwig Senfl
This funny German song is about a husband and a wife. The wife cheated on her husband with another guy in the hay stable and she says she thought it was her husband hiding in the hay. The choir sings about, what is happening while the wife and husband sing a dialogue. The woman apologizes and promises to be a better wife.  

"Jesus rex admirabilis" by Giovanni Palestrinja 1525-1594 - Italy

"Lodate Dio" by Giovanni Animuccia 1520-1571 - Italy

"Now is the month of maying" by Thomas Morelay 1557-1602

"Vecchie letrose" by Adrian Willaert 1490-1562 - Belgium
This song is in Italian, written by a musician from Belgium with an English sounding name who lived in Italy.
It deals about angry Italian women, who are debating on a market square, threatening each other with rolling pins.

Renaissance music has humor.

I hope you enjoy the songs, that were chanted when Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo and other famous artist were alive and created Renaissance art. The Renaissance started a new era for mankind, because the Middle Ages where finally over and I think some of the songs carry that spirit of a new time very well. Renaissance music also set the basics and started inventing rules for music we still use today.

A last note
There are only two professional singers inside our small choir, the other singers train regularly in the rehearsals and take single singing lessons by my husband. Some also like to learn at home: For example listening to  special learning CDs given to them.
The youngest singer is 13, the oldest one is 80.

We all live in villages or small towns and we believe, that country people are capable to create the same cultural offers and quality like big cities.
We only have to come together to make music, even if our club is low on money - what it is always.
But music and art connect people with a language everybody is able to understand and that is worth to continue.




PS: I recommend using (good) headphones to listen to the songs.