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I bought Final Fantasy X -remastered- and this Journal will deal about my first impressions, why I never played the game before and what males of the game I might draw.

You can chose what you want to read. Everything or a certain part.
Memories deals about my past - why I did not play the game
Impressions deals about the first gaming hours of FFX
Males of FFX deals about who I could draw
Victory Fanfare contains my conclusion

Please note, that this Journal contains spoilers about a game that released 2001/2002. xD

Let´ s begin in the past to answer why I did not play the game earlier.
Meet 14 years old me, living on a former farm, rural region, divorced parents, latchkey kid.
I remember very well, that I bought a game magazine regularly and FFX was something I totally wanted to have, but I did not own a PS2 so I started saving money for a long time. But I never managed to afford the price for the console plus the game. Unlike other "average" kids I did not get pocket money, because my mother took care of me and my siblings alone and there was no money left for any "extras". But I worked as a paperboy and saved that money. It was not enough for a PS2, but it was enough to buy game magazines and Calippo ice at the gas station on hot summer days.
I did not play FFX, because I was too poor. A sobering, but honest answer.

But now I have the game!
I think it took me so long to finally buy it, because those memories of my past are kinda corrupted with shame and maybe I feared to face it again, when catching up a game I missed.


My first impressions are very positive. The game has lots of cutscenes, what I usually dislike in games, but the story is exciting and considering the games age I am fine with learning more about the world and characters of FFX through animated scenes. The music is also very good and I like the calm atmossphere of the locations and storytelling.  I am currently in "Luca" right before my first Blitzball match. I tried to read all rules, but after reading some I felt bored and next I gonna just do something in the match.

I realized, that FFX puts big efforts into the story, while in comparison FFXV lacks a good solid story and I wonder how I managed to complete the game. I mean Gladiolus and Cor were my main motivation, but watching hot guys only is actually not enough to make a good game. FFX seems much more promising and motivates me with hot guys and a good story and without disturbing or annoying cutscences so far.  
A while ago I played "Rogue Galaxy"a bit and there was a very disturbing scene of two guards who took photos of a female idol and as a European man I can not understand what that whole moment was meant for and it was creepy: Two perverts taking pictures of a girl. The cutscene did not progress the story. It was unnecessary and weird.
In this context I hope to be spared from too childish or disturbing stuff in FFX.

Males of FFX

Kimahri is among my favourites of course. He is a big lion-ish furry and it was fun to draw him and I want to draw him again. Maybe together with another guy. Cuddle me Kimahri. :3

Tidus is alright. He acts believable. Young, maybe childish, but I like him so far and I wonder what he would look like, when he is older. Would he be a blond Jecht? Daddy Tidus could be a drawing.

Wakka is fine. I guess he is "muscles over brain", but he is kind and I like him. In old bara fanart he has been popular and I think I also want to draw him. He seems to be a fun guy meant for bara fun. 

Auron was my crush when I was 14. ^^;
I like his design and that he his older. In many RPGs main male characters are young and inmature and need an adventure to mature. But personally I prefer the daddies and dilfs and I appreciate all older (hot) men in games.
He is not on my team yet, but I hope I will like him and he has good chances for being drawn by me.

Jecht is a NPC - an important NPC. He is Tidus father and he has been to the future like his son. After watching some cutscenes he seems to be a bad guy in Tidus perception, but Yuna says he was a good man.
I think he is very handsome and it is a one of those moments, where I am convinced, that some NPCs would make better main characters than the real ones. I drew Jecht once and I received a reply from a Jecht fan who totally hated (or hates) my art. That was unpleasant.
Drawing Jecht again after nearly two years could be very interesting though and the outcome would be different and better.

Well, there are also females in the game: Yuna, Lulu and Rikku.
I think they are all fine and not annoying.
Their design is well done and Yuna somehow manages to avoid the "waifu only" feeling.

Victory Fanfare
While drawing images I watch (hear) Let´ s Plays. I am serious.
They help me to continue working, because pure silence over hours of drawing is lonely and dull.
Last year I watched over 100 parts of FFX so I know the games story, but it convinced me so much, that I want to play it all myself and the lack of any good games in summer seems the right time to finally play a game I always wanted.
So late night I continue playing an old game and I enjoy feeling 30 and 14 years old at once, silently playing a victory fanfare in my mind, because I defeated that poverty monster of my past and I have FFX.
That is satisfying and was worth gaining all those exp for many years.
And I enjoy the inspiration the game offers me.

Did you play the game?
Who is your favourite guy in FFX or of all FF titles?
And would you like to see a Renaissance of FFX fanart?
-Tell me in the comments



Joseph (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-13 17:54:53 So happy to know you got to play FFX and enjoyed it! =D FFX is not just my FAVORITE Final Fantasy game, he is the top one for me, as he is one of my favorite games in general. The world of Spira was very well created, the game have a somber or sad atmosphere on many parts, which make sense for the world they live in, but at the same time the cast of characters show their hopes and how things can be good, I just love the characters on the game and their interactions. The development is beautiful to say the least, most of the boss battles are unforgetable moments and I don't have other words for the sountrack than just to say, "I had eargasms" hahaha XD I still didn't got the remastered version for PS4, gonna do it, but I can already imagine how addicted I will be, I mean, the original was a game I literally played over and over again, not kidding, I probaly restarted just to see the story or certain parts, and finished the game over 20 times. As for the male characters, this is a game that for me they scored fully, they all interesting and of course, sexy and hot, I had a crush on most of them or at least found them cute/hot since first time I played it and when I got older and discovered "Rule 34" and it's meaning ohh boy, I was happy to see these male characters again there~XD But yeah, the game is just awesome for everything, for the fun and how it marked me, as for today how I enjoy the characters both in a normal artwork sense and on porn. For a favorite guy of FFX.. that's hard to me, really can't choose one.. but I can say I specially love Wakka, Kimahri and Auron. :3 And of course, I would love to see you draw these characters!! <3
2018-08-03 17:28:05 So happy to know you got to play FFX and enjoyed it! =D FFX is not just my FAVORITE Final Fantasy game, he is the top one for me, as he is one of my favorite games in general. The world of Spira was very well created, the game have a somber or sad atmosphere on many parts, which make sense for the world they live in, but at the same time the cast of characters show their hopes and how things can be good, I just love the characters on the game and their interactions. The development is beautiful to say the least, most of the boss battles are unforgetable moments and I don't have other words for the sountrack than just to say, "I had eargasms" hahaha XD I still didn't got the remastered version for PS4, gonna do it, but I can already imagine how addicted I will be, I mean, the original was a game I literally played over and over again, not kidding, I probaly restarted just to see the story or certain parts, and finished the game over 20 times. As for the male characters, this is a game that for me they scored fully, they all interesting and of course, sexy and hot, I had a crush on most of them or at least found them cute/hot since first time I played it and when I got older and discovered "Rule 34" and it's meaning ohh boy, I was happy to see these male characters again there~XD But yeah, the game is just awesome for everything, for the fun and how it marked me, as for today how I enjoy the characters both in a normal artwork sense and on porn. For a favorite guy of FFX.. that's hard to me, really can't choose one.. but I can say I specially love Wakka, Kimahri and Auron. :3 And of course, I would love to see you draw these characters!! <3

So happy to know you got to play FFX and enjoyed it! =D FFX is not just my FAVORITE Final Fantasy game, he is the top one for me, as he is one of my favorite games in general. The world of Spira was very well created, the game have a somber or sad atmosphere on many parts, which make sense for the world they live in, but at the same time the cast of characters show their hopes and how things can be good, I just love the characters on the game and their interactions. The development is beautiful to say the least, most of the boss battles are unforgetable moments and I don't have other words for the sountrack than just to say, "I had eargasms" hahaha XD I still didn't got the remastered version for PS4, gonna do it, but I can already imagine how addicted I will be, I mean, the original was a game I literally played over and over again, not kidding, I probaly restarted just to see the story or certain parts, and finished the game over 20 times. As for the male characters, this is a game that for me they scored fully, they all interesting and of course, sexy and hot, I had a crush on most of them or at least found them cute/hot since first time I played it and when I got older and discovered "Rule 34" and it's meaning ohh boy, I was happy to see these male characters again there~XD But yeah, the game is just awesome for everything, for the fun and how it marked me, as for today how I enjoy the characters both in a normal artwork sense and on porn. For a favorite guy of FFX.. that's hard to me, really can't choose one.. but I can say I specially love Wakka, Kimahri and Auron. :3 And of course, I would love to see you draw these characters!! <3