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Comics are among my favourite drawing interests and since several months I am preparing my own comic rows. There will be three rows.
And within the next days I am going to present each one.
Here we go.
Let me present "Knights in Japan". (Double meaning intended)

The main characters of Knights in Japan are Baelohr an oni, Tomaheru Kato a former samurai and John Andrew Wright a caucasian male with supernatural skills.

A short story overview
Baelohr camouflages himself as a human living in his manor and secretly teaching selected individuals the art of sword fighting and supernatural vision. Kato comes to him to re-learn sword fighting with one eye, after he partly lost sight after a battle. He is a proud man dreaming of becoming an honourable samurai.
John Andrew comes to Baelohr after visions showed him the place and he looks for answers about himself and supernatural creatures he is sometimes able to see.
Baelohr is a an oni. As a demon he possesses magic skills and big strength. After falling in love with a human male knight centuries ago he chose to live among mankind instead of hiding from humans like other creatures. Nor does he wish to harm humans. His biggest hope is, that his loved knight will be reborn and returns to Japan.

Baelohrs manor is a traditional japanese house located at the edge of a small town in the mountains. It has a dojo, a big garden and several shrines. Some are truly unique.

For example the "Panty Shrine". It is a sanctuary for the local Kodama (small spirits) who love to collect underwear... They steal it.
In their small wooden shrine under a big tree they put all panties inside a tiny wooden box, that can not be openend by normal humans.
So once you lost a panty you will hardly get it back.
According to Baelohr it is an honour if the Kodama take away your underwear.

The content of Knights in Japan
The story will focus on the relationship between the three males. How they get along with each other and how their past influence themselves.
Humor will also take a big role in this comic as well as love, trust and Japanese folklore (sometimes confronted with German and English folklore).
An oni, a japanese man and a caucasian man (who maybe is an incarnation) under one roof have many stories to tell. Especially when they do not know, that one guy is a demon and the whole town is not inhabited by humans.
So be ready for "Knights in Japan".

The comic will start soon.




I really like this concept for a story, these three are very interesting by themselves but seeying their interactions will make everything more fun! By what you told so far of them I imagine maaybe John is Baelohr past life lover, can't wait to see if really is and how all wil develop, with Kato there too. Hope these three understand each other well~ ;) Aso, Panty Shrine, genious idea, I love it hahahaha XD