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John Andrew Wright
Heritage: English-German
Age: Unknown
Height: 1,89m
Hair: Blonde
Eye colour: Bright blue

John Andrews past
John Andrew grew up in an orphanage. He had a debatable popularity among the other orphans, because late night he told the best scary stories about monsters living inside the orphanage, in the surrounding woods or far away places and where and why they hide somewhere.
Those stories felt so true and connected to real events, that even the nuns had to admit, that he is a gifted storyteller, although they recommended him to keep them a secret to avoid trouble.
While he grew older many of his friends found a new home with loving parents, but John Andrew was never adopted. He thought his dreams and visions about demons and monsters might surround him like a dark aura and potential parents felt it, avoided contact and chose another kid - always.
And although he told the nuns he was still happy and would not give up hope, they knew he was unhappy.
So they relaxed the rules and allowed him to spend as much time as he wanted in the TV and PC room.
John Andrew watched many animes and movies about brave knights, samurais and some shows also showed things he had seen in his dreams.
He made a wish to go there, where those colourful shows come from, when he was a grown up man.

After his 18th guessed birthday he started working at the orphanage for several years and for the time orphans lived there he was their older brother, who knew under which beds were no monsters.
But the orphanage was hit by saving measures and had to close.
The few left nuns were transferred and before they were scattered to the four winds they gave John Andrew a present, they all saved money for:
A flight ticket to Japan and some money.
He could finally visit the place of his dreams - literally.

Shortly after his arrival in Japan his dreams and visions grew stronger, showing him a building in the mountains and a man with wavy long blond hair surrounded by a mysterious shadow.
Thanks to some internet research and public transport he made his way to the place he had seen.

The old manor built in traditional japanese style felt familiar, but also like a place with hidden secrets and something or someone seemed to observe John Andrew and the fact that there were just two other humans at the huge building: A japanese man with a big scar over his right eye and the owner of the house - made John feel very leery, yet too curious to leave.
Who is the japanese man? What secrets hides the house owner?
And who is the blond man hidden in shadows in John Andrews dreams?
Who is John Andrew?

If you read this far: Thank you very much.
Your reward is some secret knowledge:
The story about John Andrew, Tomaheru Kato and Baelohr
will become a new comic series.
I am working on three different comic series. I will reveal more details in an upcoming Kings Journal.




Really great back story for John, feels sad for him as a child, but was very sweet of the nuns to be so nice to him! ^.^ He looks very interesting and somewhat of mysterious character because of his powers!


I am not really a fan of happy family background stories. Of course it is nice if someone has some, but especially for "Knights in Japan" I want a main character that is free of any boundaries so he wants to follow visions. A happy family guy has no motivation to chase after illusions risking the safe harbour of solid financial and family relations.