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Sebastian Roivas
Age: mid 30´s
Height: 1,85m
Hair: dark brown
Eyes: blue

Sebastian is Stefanos son. Like his father he his a werewolf and they usually wear special clothes, because when they wear regular ones, the fabric tears apart during transformation.

Sebastian tries to correct the bad reputation of the Roivas werewolf clan by using his skills for investigation and solving mysteries and crimes - at least he tries more or less successfully.

If you like to learn more about Sebastian continue reading below the line.
An extraction of Sebastians past

Sebastians mother vanished when he was very young and his dad became a protective single father who permantly was and still is worried about his sons wellbeing.
Sebastian was home educated and most people avoided contact with the Roivas family, that is known for bank and underground business.
Plus the fact that Sebastian is a werewolf he was a lonely, shy boy who stayed most time indoors watching TV, playing games, reading books and comics. His favourite stories featured brave or adventurous characters in fantasy and science-fiction worlds. To feel a little bit braver Sebastian sometimes stayed in his werewolf form, because the growth and the fur gave him a humble feeling of confidence.
His father Stefano also tried his best to be a loving father and a friend for his son - knowing that he could hardly replace real friends.

Observing his sons solitude with guilt feelings Stefano decided to spend a vacation with his son - combining his days off with a "project control" of a Roivas bank investment.
Way outside their home city Stefano had supported the partially reconstruction of a castle into an inn.
The finished building called "Naschkatze" located in the "Outlaws", a region known for isolation, criminals, outcasts and other individuals - made the perfect place for a father and son who wanted to escape from daily life.
The place and its magical, mysterious atmosphere reflected Sebastians imagination of fantasy worlds and it made him and his father feel more human and more werewolf at once.
The "Naschkatze" felt special and Sebastian was able to find his first and best friend there...



Keanu Rouse

well fuck me running dammmm boy


Ohh Sebastian looks amazing too~! Awww he is shy, that is so cute, specially that he goes on Werewolf form just to feel braver, I want to hug him sooo muchhh hahaha! Really loving how his father try to be his friend. And already excited to see the story and how they go to the "Naschkatze" to spend some time together relaxing there. :3