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Kings Journal is about Bara topics, gay art and places I visited.
This time it deals with an unique army.
Grab your spear *wink*  and learn something.

Antique troubles
Ancient times where not always peaceful and people needed protection from invaders. The best way to be protected and powerful was an army.
The people of Thebes, a city in Greece, founded one of the most unique and successful armies of their age.

The Sacred Band of Thebes
Aka Hieros Lochos or Hieros Theban Lochos was a troop of 150 pairs of male lovers. The idea was simple, yet brilliant. Those 150 gay couples would fight much more passionate than regular soldiers whose lovers or families where located somewhere else.
A man who knows, that his loved partner is in danger, because he is part of the same troop would give his best to achieve victory and to protect his comrades. Taking care of each other and professional fighting skills made these men superior to other troops.
The Sacred Band of Thebes was a respected, powerful army, that won several battles and secured Thebes for 33 years. They also stopped the Spartans from conquering Thebes and guaranteed prosperity and freedom of their home.

Contemporary troubles
Today stereotypes about gay men are spread widely. Claiming that gay men are not able to fight like a heterosexual one, that they are not equal when it comes to the image of a true man, of strength and skills.
Fortunately those stereotypes are simply wrong and famous athletes for example started confessing flag, that they are gay and sexuality does not determine your skills.
If more people would know about the Sacred Band of Thebes, maybe some sport clubs would create gay teams on purpose to have better chances to win a match. Or a special gay police unit and so on.

I think this story about a troop of gay men can bold homosexuals. Especially those who have to deal with prejudices.
Remember: There were 300 gay men who fucked asses but also kicked asses.

PS: the image above is not related to the Hieros Lochos. Unfortunately there is no art left, that shows them so I picked a piece of ancient Greek art to animate your (kinky) minds.  :3
I hope you enjoyed this journal.

Did you know about this army or do you know other examples of proud gay history?

How do you think did that army look like?

Tell me in the comments. :)




I heard about this army before, I always loved this story because It's shows how sexuality does not interfere on a person ability at all. Just because they are gay does not mean they can be as talented and strong as straight males. I think people mind got blinded on the Medieval times where the need to show people need to be with the oposite sex was very strong. (I think that can be part of why part of this time is called "Dark Ages") and as in Greece, and even the gods there and I'm sure on other places shows that being gay, lesbian, bi or straight was not seem as a problem, and hopefully on the future people will get more and more used to that fact.


Medieval times were a mess in many ways. I think a timeless reason for prejudices is when some people want to feel better and superior by disgracing others. A straight man might feel hurt in his "macho" world, when a gay guy is either equal or better in something.