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In Kings Journal I write about the creation of original content and characters as well as bara in general.
Today it is time to write about a big guy.

He is tall. He is blond. He is a giant.
And while I continue drawing his back view and the naked variations you might read this journal to learn more about him and giants in general.

Basics about giants
(you can skip this part if you are familiar with giants and continue reading at OC Creation)

Nordic mythology
Did you know that the first living being in nordic myth was a giant called "Ymir"? He was male and female and he drank milk from a "primal cow" and during sleep a son and a daughter grew out of his armpit sweat and a six-headed son came from his feet. The first gods killed him and created the world with his body. Ymirs blood became the oceans and rivers and all original giants drowned in the floods except for Bergelmir and his wife who survived on a trunk-like raft. Later they became the father and mother of a new strain of giants.

Giants have their own world called "Jötunheim" and the word for a giant is "Jötunn" plural "Jötnar".
Please note, that this is German and in other Germanic languages the spelling can be a bit different.

How tall is a giant?
Giants can have different sizes. Actually some can adjust their size to look like an average human and nobody could tell about their true identity. Some giants are as tall as a tree others are taller than a mountain.

OC Creation

Choosing the clothes:
This is the first time I actually draw clothes for one of my OCs. The others probably walk around nude all day long?! xD I wouldn´ t mind, but sooner or later I have to think about who wears what kind of clothes. For my giant I had a clear idea: Cowboy + Ranger = Giant clothes: Chaps, trousers, boots, shirt, belt,  sometimes also a hat and everything more modern to dress or undress easily by simply pressing a button (watch sketch).

The name:
So far I do not have a name for him, but a whole list with names and the wolf symbol on his belt might be a hint and can also be seen as a symbol for a tall athletic/slender man who is hairy. I bet you have heard about otters and bears before, but do not forget the wolves. ^w^

Some story background information:
He is nearly as old as Radogien, but he rarely aged compared to him.
In the past he and Radogien raised a beast man who became a king and after his death Radogien and the giant became the heirs of the kings castle. Radogien left the place in grief and in the course of centuries it became harder and harder for the giant to preserve the castle.
The castle became ruinous and many parts collapsed until only a single building was left and partly habitably...
Although the giant was not able to save the castle he tried his best to secure the grounds and became some kind of a ranger.

One day a big white tiger appeared at the castle ruins looking for a place to stay and to establish a diner and Inn.
The giant took the chance to save and restore the last remaining part of his home and happily sold the whole grounds to the tiger called "Wolftian". But the giant is a clever and calculating man and added a life estate for him in the contract.
His new old home is called "Naschkatze" and he keeps the area safe for travellers.

Two comic ideas:
I have two comic ideas already for my new giant OC.
The first one would be "Greek Cosplay". In this comic the giant cosplays "Theseus" and a bull Furry cosplays the "Minotaur".
They won´ t fight against each other - they will get intimate. :3

The second comic will be about a mafia boss who is also a werewolf and he will end in a naughty mating session with the giant. :3

I want to start working on these comics soon and at the same time as  "The Massage".

I hope you enjoyed reading this journal and I also hope you look forward for the finished OC with his name and nude versions (and the comics).




That's cool! A Giant OC! I like the ideas and clothes you chose for him, they fit him well~ :3 And about the name, curious about what will be, but like you said with his Wolf Belt, I remembered of the Giant Wolf, Fenrir. He have a interesting backstory, he knows Radogien, nice~ And cool that everything connects, with Wolftian and how "Naschkatze" started. Always excited to know more of the story and how everything goes on, this was a really nice journal! Also really looking foward to these comics you doing, their ideas looks very interesting and gonna be very curious to see how the stories (and intimate moments) will go~ ;3


Thanks. ^w^ Currently the werewolf comic idea is a bit in the lead although I also have big interest in the cosplay one.