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In Kings Journal I write about different issues.
Today I write about "mistakes" in art: Do the artists not see them or do they create them on purpose?!

Art can be lovely. Art can be a piece of shit (literally).
Today I have a lovely assistant to analyse art:
Say "hello" to Mona Lisa drawn by Leonardo da Vinci.

"So Mona tell us a few words about you, please."

"I am Mona Lisa and I have been drawn at the beggining of the 16th century by Leonardo da Vinci. I am famous and popular for my smile."

"Why are you smiling?"

"Well, lots of people wonder, but I prefer to keep it a secret-
but maybe I am amused about the fact, that I am famous although many parts of me are totally fucked up and I love people staring at me while my riddles fuck their brains. I can not stop smiling."

"What do you mean?"

"Have a look at where I am sitting. I am sitting on a chair on a balcony and behind me are four different landscapes, that totally do not fit together. My favourite landscape is the one on the right side of my head. It´ s completely crooked. If you you would sail there your ship would move way down on its own."

"I guess you are not done yet?!"

"Good guess honey. Have a look at me. Not my face - way down - to my chest. Watch my boobs - if you are able to find them. I think they look kinda flat and I am not even sure if they are round or square. And my neck lacks in volume too, like it wants to leave the painting through a secret door behind my hair. "

"Oh... Why do you think Leonardo did that?"

"I can think of different reasons: He did not feel like doing better, he did it on purpose to see how smart the viewers are, he did it for fun, he thought a normal landscape would make me boring, he was gay and did not want to draw boobs, he did not have a reference for some parts of me, time was short and more. You never know... I mean..."

"Go on please."

"Did you see those other paintings?!"The birth of Venus" by Botticelli for example. Her upper body is kinda long and the other people all have the same foot position and some of those trees do not have roots and are just put in the ground. And those tiny dicks in other paintings or sculptures. You know I can smile all day long for centuries, because I know my mistakes and they make me more lovely than any perfection. I offer you the illusion, that you could do better - to point on my mistakes - even if you are hardly able to hold a brush. I smile, because I see the mistakes of the others and I know that those artists and my creator knew themselves, what would irritate the viewers. We all smile for you."

"So mistakes are better than perfection and they inspire others?

"They can and people take their time to watch for them while they just have a short glimpse to some perfect lady or guy. Pity isn´ t it?
But to be fair some mistakes can be too much so the artist has to think about fixing it, covering it or accepting it."

"I see. Now that was educating. Thank you very much Mona."

"You´ re welcome. And just among us: When I was drawn there was that hot nsfw image of two guys making out next to me and I watched it all day long.
Do you still wonder why I smile?!"



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